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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°23159 : 'Make', 'do' and 'take'

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> Tests similaires : - DO / MAKE = Faire - Faire : Do ou make? - Verbe 'faire' - Faire : do ou make - Faire = to do-to make - Causatifs - Make, Have, Let - Do et Make
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'Make', 'do' and 'take'

Complete the sentences using the verbs make, do or take. In many cases, you will need to change the form of the verb. Type the answer into the gap.


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1. They're a lot of noise, but so far they haven't made any progress.

2. The company is making a large profit, but in the meantime they're a lot of damage to the environment.

3. She was asked to a quick speech, but she took her time.

4. After we've done our homework, I think we should the washing up.

5. a look at all these mistakes you've made.

6. Shall we a taxi or go by train?

7. At first, he made a great effort to an interest in his lessons.

8. This is a photograph I of some friends we made when we were on holiday.

9. She told me to take a seat, and then went to some phone calls.

10. Taking a test is a bit like a crossword: you finish it eventually!

11. The policeman took my name and address, and a few notes.

12. We had to a lot of work before we began to make any money.

13. The conference will place in January.

14. You really should take my advice and hire somebody to your ironing, washing and other housework.

15. After I had made the bed, he lay down and his medicine.

16. It won't do any harm to some enquiries.

17. Our company made a loss in its first year, but now we're well.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "'Make', 'do' and 'take'"
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