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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°2583 : Ch. Dickens

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Ch. Dickens

Charles Dickens : a busy life

Charles Dickens was born (a) the 2nd of February 1812 near Portsmouth. His first years in London then in Kent were very happy. Very early he enjoyed reading a lot. He liked very much walking with his father, going (b) the theatre, and playing with his younger brother Fred.

His father, John Dickens, was a very nice man (c) he always had serious money problems. (d) the age of 12, Charles had to stop going to school. He worked (e) a factory (f) two or three months. He never forgot that horrible experience. His father's situation became better in 1824 and Charles went back to school for three years.

He left school at the age of 15 and became a legal clerk (g) later a reporter.

His first book came (h) in February 1836. He got married in April that year.

His first big success came (i) the Pickwick Papers. In the next twenty years, he wrote ten very famous books. Everyone knows David Copperfield, Oliver Twist and Little Dorrit.

Charles Dickens had ten children. He travelled a lot. He spent six months in America. (j) he visited Italy, Switzerland and France.

(k) he died on the 9th (l) June 1870, he was a very famous and a very rich man.

 Voici la liste des 12 mots manquants: and- of- but- when- for- on- at- with- in- then- out- to

 Dans la liste les majuscules n'ont pas été mises.

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- (a)

- (b)

- (c)

- (d)

- (e)

- (f)

- (g)

- (h)

- (i)

- (j)

- (k)

- (l)

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