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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°32160 : I am doing

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> Tests similaires : - Test de niveau grammatical-anglais débutant - Présent en BE + -ING - Présent simple - Fiche synthétique : présent simple / présent en BE + -ING - Présent simple - Présent simple ou BE- ing - Thierry en Angleterre 6 - Modal : may/might
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I am doing

Study those following situations carefully:


1st Situation


 Joseph is in his car. He's on his way to work , he is driving to work.


This means: he is driving now at the time of speaking , the action is not finished yet.

Am/is/are + v-ING is the present continuous tense


I am  =  (I'm)







He / she / it   is = (he's/ she's / it's)


We / you / they are = (we're / you're / they're)



I am doing something = I'm in the middle of doing = I've started doing it but I haven't finished it yet.  The action is happening at the time of speaking




  • 1) Please don't make so much noise, I'm studying.   You can't say (Please don't make so much noise, I study)


  • 2) Let's go out now, it isn't raining any more.   You can't say (Let's go out now it doesn't rain any more)


  • 3) I'm tired ,I'm going to bed ,good night.   You can't say (I'm tired, I go to bed good night)


  • 4) Are you enjoying the party?   You can't say (Do you enjoy the party)



2nd Situation

In this situation the action is not necessarily happening at the time of speaking.

Jane says to Paola: I'm reading an interesting book, I'll lend it to you as soon as I've finished to read it.

In this situation Jane isn't reading the book at the time of speaking

It means that she has started to read a book but she hasn't finished it yet

Some more examples:

1) Catherine wants to work in France so she's learning French but perhaps she isn't learning French at the moment of speaking.


2)  Some friends of mine are building their own house. They hope it will be finished before next summer.



3rd Situation

We use present continuous tense when we talk about things happening in a period around now. (To day /this week / this month)

Example:  You're working very hard today. (You work very hard today)


4th Situation


We use the present continuous tense when we talk about changes happening around now



•1)      The population of the world is rising very fast.  (The population of the world rises very fast)

  • 2) Is your English getting better?  (Does your English get better)



Now complete the sentences below with one of the following verbs in the correct form, you can use a verb more than once.

come    get    look  make   start  stay   try    work  happen  

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1. 'Are you hard today?' 'Yes! I've got a lot to do.'

2. I'm for Reagan,do you know where he is?

3. It is dark, shall I turn on the light?

4. They haven't got anywhere to live at the moment, they are with friends until they find somewhere.

5. Are you ready Junior? Yes I'm .

6. I've got an umbrella! It's to rain.

7. You are too much noise. I can't study.

8. Could you please be quieter ? I'm to concentrate.

9. Why are all these here? What's ?

10. Why are you at me like that? What's the matter?

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "I am doing"
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