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Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night. ( by Sylvain Dupuis)
Guy Fawkes
The story:
In the 17th century, Guy Fawkes belonged to a group of 13 conspirators. They were Catholics and they wanted to kill the King: 'James I', because he persecuted them.
The group decided to put 36 barrels of gunpowder in a cellar under the House of Lords. This action was named 'the gunpowder plot'.
One of the group members sent a letter to a friend which read : ‘Don't go to the house of Lords on November 5th ,1605'.
The king got the letter and in the early hours of November 5th, 1605, when the authorities stormed the cellar, Guy was there and he was arrested. Other conspirators were caught.
They were all tortured and executed publicly in March 1607 by hanging. The government hoped to frighten Catholics in order to prevent other conspiracies.
Now Fawkes's first name has become a noun: a guy.
Every November 5th, the Queen visits the Houses of Parliament (also named Palace of Westminster), which shelters the House of Lords.
Every year on that day, children make a guy with old clothes and newspapers. They carry it in the streets and ask for money shouting: 'a penny for the guy'. Later in the night, they burn it in a bonfire and eat some bonfire baked potatoes and toffees. Then they sing songs about 'Guy' and his failed mission watching fireworks.

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