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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°3273 : Vivre dans les bois

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Vivre dans les bois

Living in the woods.

By Luke Sanders

Children’s express

Michigan Bureau

Can Do


The Sanders family lives in the middle of the woods, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. John, Victoria and their two sons Brynn, 16 and Lake, 14 live in a log cabin they built about 13 years ago.


The Sanders aren’t a typical American family. They live without a lot of things many people consider necessary. They don’t have running water. They use water from the spring for drinking and cooking. They only go into town once a week to buy things like milk. “For the electricity, we have a water generator in the river. It is very efficient. We could have lights and TVs, and computers if we wanted”, said Lake… But they have no computer, no TV, and even no telephone. “To pass the time we play music, we read books a lot. We don’t really miss TV”, explain Brynn.


How do they keep in touch with friends without a phone? “ It works out pretty well” said Lake. When we see a person, we make plans for the next time. And our parent’s friends are like our friends too”, he added.


The two boys are home schooled. They like it better that way. “I think I’m lucky because I can do things that most people can’t. Instead of going to school, we go to work with my dad on construction sites” said Lake. “We build guitars; we do things that are really important to us. I’m doing correspondence courses with a school in Chicago,” said Brynn.


Will the boys continue this lifestyle as adults? “Probably, even if we have electricity and running water,” said Brynn. “We are used to it” added Lake.



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1. The Sanders don’t live in a brick house; they live in a .

2. They don’t have so they use water from the spring.

3. The boys have no TV but they don’t really it.

4. They don’t have a phone; but they with their friends by meeting them in town.

5. They don’t go to school; they are .

6. Lake likes his life. He thinks he is .

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