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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°32839 : 'HENRY VIII by Axelle DIBAS FRANCK' reading comprehension

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'HENRY VIII by Axelle DIBAS FRANCK' reading comprehension

Henry VIII

Henry VIII was born in Greenwich on  June 28th 1491; he was the second son of Henri VII. When his brother, Arthur died he attained the throne in 1509.

Henry was a very intelligent person:

- he spoke a lot of languages (English, French, Latin and Spanish)

- he played a lot of instruments very well.  

- he was a good writer...


He tried to maintain good relationships with France and Spain.

He got married with the aunt of Charles Quint, Catherine of Aragon but asked for divorce shortly after. It  was refused to him by the Church.

Henry VIII  then opposed to the Pope and had  a divorce pronounced in 1533.

He loved Anne Boleyn and had her crowned  soon after. He  only had daughters so he killed his wife without pity and got married with Jane Seymour.

She gave birth to his first son, Edward VI, who succeeded to him when he died.


Henry VIII is regarded as the founder of  Anglicanism. He got married three other times: 
Anne of Cleves, Catherine (Kathryn) Howard, and Catherine Paar.


In 2003, Henry VIII would have appeared in the form of a spirit in one of his castles. Those who supervised this castle heard alarms but the door was closed. Some tourists say they saw this spirit. There are pictures and videos showing the apparition of this king in the palace. This story interested a lot of experts and the majority of them said that they believed it extremely possible that it was Henry VIII.It may be true or false but the videos and the photos are very very realistic and they succeeded in frightening a lot of people  who had nightmares after seeing them.

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1. Henry VIII was born in:

2. Henry VIII didn't speak:

3. The first wife of Henry VIII was:

4. Edward's mother was:

5. Supervisors heard:

6. Experts… ...that he could be Henry VIII:

7. He appeared in:

8. Henry VIII is the founder of:

9. He killed one of his wives because she was accused of adultery with her brother and because he

10. Henry VIII was:

11. 'attain' means :

12. 'maintain' means :

13. Aunt means :

14. Shortly after means :

15. The Pope is :

16. A nightmare is:

17. 'succeed' means :

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "'HENRY VIII by Axelle DIBAS FRANCK' reading comprehension"
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