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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°32981 : Bloody Mary, the legend of Mary Worth, by Carla Makumbu

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Bloody Mary, the legend of Mary Worth, by Carla Makumbu


Bloody Mary, the legend of Mary Worth


About 100 years ago a beautiful young woman named Mary Worth had a terrible  accident after which her face was so badly hurt that she died from haemorrhage.

But her spirit couldn't rest in peace and she turned into Bloody Mary, a terrifying ghost dressed in white clothes, haunting the world like a satanic spirit.

There are lots of versions of this story in the world,  and it's become a ritual among teens  in holiday camps and pyjamas-parties, according to the story  that they heard,  to try to contact her by summoning her.


The first version says that if you repeat Mary Worth's name three times while looking at yourself  in a mirror,  Mary Worth will appear and tear your face off or kill you.


The second version says that if you want to see her you must be in a dark  room and say:'Bloody Mary,I believe in Bloody Mary.'


Another one says that if you walk toward a mirror in the dark and call her name, Bloody Mary will catch you. If she appears she can scratch or bite your face off ,assault you with a knife, snatch your eye-bulbs out  or appear in all the reflections that you will see in the mirrors.


Most of the time, the  children are so frightened  that they don't finish the ritual.

It's understandable in view of what that can lead to!

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1. What is the name of this spirit? :

2. You must call her name:

3. What is the colour of the clothes she wears?:

4. Inside what object does she appear?

5. What made her become a spirit:

6. The children don't finish the ritual because:

7. Where is the ritual mostly practised?:

8. How many years ago did Bloody Mary die :

9. What does 'haemorrhage ' mean?

10. What does 'summon ' mean?

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Bloody Mary, the legend of Mary Worth, by Carla Makumbu"
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