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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°32995 : Harry Houdini, by Jean Therrin

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Harry Houdini, by Jean Therrin




Harry Houdini was born under the name of ERISH WEISS on March 27,1874.


He was of  Hungarian origin, but he lived in America.

His father Samuel and his mother Cecilia were poor.He had 4 brothers,

Theodore,Leopold,Nathan,William and he had one sister,Carrie.


He went to a religious school and he worked to help his family.

When he was 15 years old,  he became a magician and he did 20 shows a day

He earned $12 a week.

He performed his work with his brother.


In 1892 Houdini was a metamorphosis illusionist and he became a king of cards.

He was famous for his magic.


He developed the handcuff challenge act and then many other shows where he proved able to free himself from  the tightest bonds . He advertised for his talent by proving he could escape the best-guarded and the most famous prison cells.


He did his first show in Europe,in 1900 and he then earned  $ 2000 a week.

He bought an airplane and he became the first man to pilot an airplane.


Houdini was an extremely famous magician who broke a lot of records.


Harry Houdini died on Halloween day in  1926.

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1. When was Harry Houdini born ?

2. What was Harry Houdini's mother name?

3. What was Harry Houdini's father's name ?

4. How many sisters did Harry Houdini have ?

5. How many brothers did Harry Houdini have ?

6. What was Harry Houdini's job ?

7. How much money did he get in a week's time when he was 15?

8. How much money did he get in a week's time when he was 26?

9. What was his speciality in his job?

10. How did he advertise his talents?

11. When did Harry Houdini die ?

12. What is a handcuff?

13. To break a record means:

14. A metamorphosis illusionist's job is to :

15. 'to free himself from the tightest bonds ' means Hounidi could :

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Harry Houdini, by Jean Therrin"
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