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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°36001 : Bonnie and Clyde by Sabrina Dominguez Soares

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Bonnie and Clyde by Sabrina Dominguez Soares




Bonnie and Clyde met in Texas in January, 1930. Bonnie was 19 years old and Clyde 21 years


 A short time after meeting they were arrested for burglary. Clyde was suspected of killings

and was wanted for murder, robbery and kidnapping.


On May 20, 1933 the United States delivered a warrant of arrest against Bonnie and Clyde

for stealing a car in Illinois. They were sent back to prison.


On November 22, 1933 a sheriff and his deputies tried to capture them but they managed

to escape.

In 1934 they were suspected of committing 13 murders, robberies and burglaries.

On January 16, 1934 Clyde freed 5 prisoners from prison.


On May 23, 1934, policemen hid along a road. When Bonnie and Clyde appeared

in an automobile, policemen opened fire, they were killed at once.

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1. Where did Bonnie and Clyde meet?

2. How old were Bonnie and Clyde when they met?

3. When did the United States deliver a warrant against Bonnie and Clyde?

4. Why did the United States deliver a warrant against Bonnie and Clyde?

5. When did a sheriff and his deputies try to capture them?

6. What were they suspected of in 1934?

7. What did Clyde do on January 16, 1934?

8. When did policemen manage to find them?

9. How did the police manage to catch them?

10. What happened then?

11. What does “burglary “ mean?

12. What does “robbery “ mean?

13. What does “Open Fire “ mean?

14. What does “at once “ mean?

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Bonnie and Clyde by Sabrina Dominguez Soares"
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