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Conspiration (Guy Fawkes)
 The event : Guy Fawkes : The 'Gunpowder Plot' (400 years ago…)
- Guido Fawkes (April 13, 1570 / January 31, 1605), most commonly called Guy Fawkes, was a member of the group of Roman Catholic conspirators who attempted to carry out the Gunpowder Plot.
- The conspirators had planned to assassinate King James I and all the members of both branches of the Parliament of England. To do this, the House of Lords was to be blown up during the opening of the 1605 session of Parliament. Barrels of gunpowder were hidden in the cellars under the Houses of Parliament
- Guy Fawkes was responsible for the later stages of the plan's execution. He was discovered and arrested in the early morning of November 5th 1605 before its completion, however. Following an interrogation, Fawkes and his co-conspirators were executed for treason.
- In the United Kingdom and New Zealand, the failure of the gunpowder plot is celebrated annually on Guy Fawkes Night, also called Bonfire Night. People light bonfires and burn a mannequin called 'the Guy' !
- Here's the beginning of historical children rhyme ( = a sort of poem) sung on Guy Fawkes Night
'Remember, remember the fifth of November, gunpowder, treason and plot, I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.'
Vocabulary : - an event : something that / happened / happens / ( un événement)
- gunpowder : black powder used for guns / (poudre )
- plot : a plan against someone (here: a plan against the King and Parliament) / (une conspiration)
- => 'Gunpowder Plan' => 'La Conspiration de la Poudre'
- to carry out : to achieve / (accomplir)
- both : the two ( = the King + the Parliament) / (les deux)
- to blow up : to explode - to make (a building, a shop, a school) explode (blown = past participle / to be blown up = to be demolished after an explosion) / (exploser, faire exploser)
- stage(s) /figuré/ : point(s) - period(s) / (étapes, périodes)
- completion : (to complete = to finish) / (achèvement)
- treason : disloyalty / (trahison)
- failure (to fail) ¹ success (to succeed) / (échec)
- a bonfire : a large fire made in the open in celebration of some event (origin : 'bone': 'bones' being the chief material used in the past) / ('feu de joie')
- however : (cependant)
Vocabulaire des questions : barrels : barriques (to) light : allumer
- …The plot failed (= échoua) because Guy Fawkes was denounced by one of his co-conspirators in a letter.
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