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> Tests similaires : - Discours Indirect - Discours direct et indirect - Style direct-Style indirect : Cours pour débutants - Discours direct et indirect - Inversion sujet verbe - Style direct & style indirect : suite (cours pour débutants) - Propositions interrogatives - Discours indirect | |
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Discours indirect
Salut les amis ;cette leçon vous aidera à répondre facilement sur les questions du test.
Pour transformer une phrase de style direct à un style indirect il faut voir d'abord le temps du verbe introducteur
S'il est au présent, futur simple ou present perfect il n'y aura pas de changement
Ex :
She says, « The weather is nice ». ===== She says that the weather is nice.
He will say «I'll never get married». ===== He will say that he will never get married.
«The pupils are calm», the teacher has said ==== the teacher has said that the pupils are calm.
Si le verbe introducteur est au passé les verbes du discours changent selon le tableau suivant :
ex: he says:I don't eat meat'.
present perfect
ex: 'I have found a flat',she said.
present continuous
ex: she said, 'I am waiting for your answers'.
simple past
ex: 'I took it home with me',he said.
futur (will)
He said, 'I'll be in P
can may must
| simple past
He said that he didn't eat meat.
past perfect
She said that she had found a flat.
past continuous
She said that she was waiting for their answers.
past perfect
He said he had taken it home with him.
He said he would be in
could might had to
could ›
might ›
should › NO CHANGE.
would ›
had to ›
les verbes qui introduisent l'interrogation sont : asked, wanted to knew, wondered, inquired...etc
attention : when the answer to the question is with yes or no(it doesn't ask for information) we put if or whether after the introductory verb in the indirect speech.
ex: She said, 'Is anyone here?' ===== She asked if anyone was there. Intermédiaire
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Tous les exercices | Plus de cours et d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | Style direct