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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°54992 : Bon appétit

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Bon appétit



Complétez les phrases ci-dessous en choisissant le temps approprié et correctement orthographié.


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Have a nice meal !

James Smith is a businessman. His company a lot of machinery, but James any foreign languages. Last year, he to France on a business trip. While he for a few days in a small hotel just outside Nice, he an interesting experience. The first morning, he eating his breakfast when a Frenchman to his table and down. The Frenchman , 'Bon appétit', so James Smith and , 'James Smith'. As neither speak the other's language, they their meals in silence.

The next morning, exactly the same thing and the scene on the third morning, so James to see the manager of the hotel, who excellent English, and said, I to complain, but there a very strange man staying in your hotel. I to get worried. Every morning he to my table and me his name.

- 'Really' said the manager, 'And what

- 'Something like 'Bon Appétit'', James.

- 'No, no', said the manager, 'That his name. That is just a polite expression in French. We it to other people before we to eat. It simply means 'Have a good meal'.

- 'Oh, yes, how silly of me', said James. Thank you for the explanation.'

The next morning, he for the Frenchman to come up to the table, and before he could speak, James in his best French accent 'Bon appétit!' The Frenchman was a little surprised, but then he smiled and in his best English, 'James Smith'.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Bon appétit"
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