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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°5938 : Quantifieurs : Some- or any- + body/-thing/-where - cours

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Quantifieurs : Some- or any- + body/-thing/-where - cours

Some and any



We use any in the following sentences because the meaning is negative:

• She went out without any money. (She didn't take any money with her.)

• He refused to eat anything. (He didn't eat anything.)

Hardly anybody passed the examination. (= almost nobody passed)


In most questions we use any:

• ‘Have you got any luggage?' No, I haven't.'

• ‘Has anybody seen my bag?' Yes, it's under the table.'


But we use some in questions when we expect the answer 'yes':

• What's wrong? Have you got something in your eye? (It seems that you have got something in your eye and I expect you to answer 'yes'.)


We use some in questions when we offer or ask for things:

• Would you like something to eat?     

• Can I have some sugar, please?


We often use any after if

If there are any letters for me, can you send them on to this address?

If anyone has any questions, I'll be pleased to answer them.

• Let me know if you need anything.


The following sentences have the idea of if:

• I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused. (= if I have caused any trouble)

Anyone who wants to do the exam must give me their names today. (= if there is anyone)


We also use any with the meaning 'it doesn't matter which':

You can catch any bus. They all go to the centre. (= it doesn't matter which bus you catch)

•'Sing a song.' Which song shall I sing?'' Any song. I don't mind.' (= it doesn't matter which song)

• Come and see me any time you want.

• 'Let's go out somewhere.'    'Where shall we go?' 'Anywhere. I don't mind.'

• We left the door unlocked. Anybody could have come in.


Compare something and anything:

• A: I'm hungry. I want something to eat.

  B: What would you like?

  A: I don't mind. Anything. (= something, but it doesn't matter what)



Somebody/someone/anybody/anyone are singular words:


Someone is here to see you.

But we often use they/them/their after these words:

Someone has forgotten their umbrella. (= his or her umbrella)

• If anybody wants to leave early, they can. (= he or she can)



 Complete the sentences with some- or any- + -body/-thing/-where.


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1. I was too surprised to say .

2. There's at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

3. Does mind if I open the window?

4. I wasn't feeling hungry, so I didn't eat .

5. You must be hungry. Would you like to eat?

6. isn't telling the truth.

7. This machine is very easy to use. can learn to life it in a very short time.

8. There was hardly on the beach. It was almost deserted.

9. 'Do you live near Jim?' No, he lives in another part of town.'

10. 'Where shall we go on holiday?' Let's go warm and sunny.

11. We slept in a pall because we didn't have to stay.

12. I'm going out now. If phones while I'm out, can you tell them I'll be back?

13. They stay at home all the time. They never seem to go .

14. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost ?

15. who saw the accident should contact the police.

16. What do you want to eat? . I don't mind. Whatever you have.

17. Who shall I invite to the party? I don't mind. you like.

18. What sort of job are you looking for? . It doesn't matter.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Quantifieurs : Some- or any- + body/-thing/-where - cours"
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