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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°60709 : Since For

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Since For

The use of the prepositions 'since' and 'for'. 


The above two prepositions are quite difficult because we often use them incorrectly.

 ' since ' is used with  point of time .

' for ' is always used with period of time.


Hence ' since ' is used in instances such as these:

since Monday, since 1999, since January, since morning, since 10am etc.


On the other hand ' for ' is used in instances such as:  

for two days, for three hours, for ten years, for five months etc.


It would be erroneous to say since two hours because two hours refers to period of time and not point of time.

For e.g. :

He has been ill for ( and not since) two days.

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1. She has been working in this institution 2005.

2. She has been practising tennis the past eight hours.

3. This child has been crying piteously a couple of hours or so.

4. Wednesday, somehow or the other I've been doing rather poorly.

5. He has been touch and go midnight and even the doctor has given up hope.

6. Sachin Tendulkar has been more or less the best batsman two decades- incredible isn't it ?

7. She has been standing and teaching thus morning and it is nearly tea time now.

8. He has been fooling me thus weeks without me realizing it.

9. February this year I have been working on a novel and I am rather satisfied with what I've done so far.

10. last week I have been feeling on the top of the world. Hope this euphoria continues!

11. the past few years India has been developing economically quite a lot.

12. 10am it has been raining cats and dogs.

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