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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°61428 : Present perfect continu

> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | Present perfect [Autres thèmes]
> Tests similaires : - Present Perfect simple - Present perfect - Prétérit ou present perfect - Present perfect simple - Present perfect ou prétérit - Present perfect (révision facile) - Present perfect - Present perfect
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Present perfect continu

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

This tense is used when we wish to refer to an action which started sometime in the past and  is still continuing.

So if I say that I have been working in this institution as a teacher of English since 2005 it means that from 2005 I have been a teacher of English here and even now I am working in the same capacity.

Sometimes it can also refer to an action which started sometime in the past and since then has been continuingly taking place and has just been completed.
For instance, I see a student of mine who is sweating profusely and I ask him,

'Hey! Why are you sweating? What have you been doing?'

His reply could be, 'I have been running, sir!'

Here the action can be considered to have been completed.

 This tense can be formed with has been/ have been and the present participle  or ' -ing' form of the verb given.

For example,
He  ( sing ) for hours
The answer here would be :

'has been singing'

It is the present perfect continuous that is used with the time phrases ' since'  and  ' for '.
So it would be incorrect to say or write:
He is singing since  this morning ( or for hours)


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1. I (write) for hours and so my hands are aching.

2. She (pester) her husband for a diamond necklace and the poor man is getting sick of her.

3. They (play) for hours and now are simply exhausted.

4. He (run) hither and thither ever since he knew that he had been dismissed from his job.

5. This man (complain) about the injustice meted out to him but it has been of little use.

6. We (protest) about it for years but no leader has done anything about it.

7. They (ridicule) him for no rhyme or reason at all. No wonder he avoids their company.

8. I (terrify) the little fellow with all sorts of spooky tales.

9. He (serve) me loyally since I was a child.

10. He (strive) diligently to achieve his goal for years now.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Present perfect continu"
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