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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°62236 : Naissance du roi Arthur

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Naissance du roi Arthur

La naissance du 'roi Arthur'

'Le Roi Arthur et les chevaliers de la Table Ronde', est considéré comme l'une des meilleures légendes, qui raconte l'histoire d'un brave et courageux roi nommé 'Arthur' et de  ses braves et nobles chevaliers qui ont lutté pour la justice et l'honneur. Les résumés que nous allons traiter ensemble, sont tirés d'un livre écrit par Stephen Colbourn. Donc aujourd'hui nous allons commencer par la naissance de ce noble et brave roi.

A long time ago, Britain was divided into several small kingdoms, and the rulers of these small kingdoms were fighting one another in order to gain control over Britain. It was a time of bloody battles, poverty and diseases.  At that time there were two strong kings: King Uther Pendragon who ruled Winchester and King Gorlois who ruled Cornwall, but no one was strong enough to take control over Britain.

One day a wise magician named Merlin spoke to the people and informed them that Britain would be unified only by one king.  When the news reached king Uther Pendragon, he decided to visit Cornwall and marry one of king Gorlios’ daughters, so the newborn son would be this future king. Before his departure he asked Merlin some information concerning the expected king,and after a short period Merlin answered Uther and told him that this future king would be his son. King Uther felt  happy and immediately decided  to go and visit Cornwall.

King Gorlois welcomed King Uther and asked him to stay a few days in his big castle. Gorlois had three daughters; two of them were married and the little one 'Morgana' was only three years old. But when King Uther saw Queen Igrayne he fell in love with her, and informed her that he could give her a son; when King Gorlois heard those words he became so angry, and ordered his guest to leave immediately his castle  and never return again. King Uther left Cornwall, but before his leaving he warned King Gorlois and informed him that he would come another day with a huge army to take control over Cornwall.

King Uther did not leave Cornwall’s land; in fact he hid his army in the woods, then he asked  Merlin the magician for some help; he wanted to marry Queen Igrayne. As soon as the magician spoke words of magic, King Urther immediately transformed and took King Gorlois' shape but  for only one night, then Merlin asked Uther to give him the expected baby, King Uther agreed and went to meet Queen Igrayne, he spent the whole night in Cornwall.While he was there the two armies were fighting each other in the forest. In the early morning King Uther left the castle. After a while Queen Igrayne  went to the castle’s wall; she was waiting for the king, but what she saw was unbelievable: she saw Uther’s knights  carrying her husband’s dead body. Later, King Uther's armies entered the castle and he took control over Cornwall and married Queen Igrayne. As time passed Igrayne gave birth to a baby boy.That night Merlin came and asked the king to give him the newborn, but Queen Igrayane refused and started crying,but King Uther remembered his promise so he ordered Merlin to take his son then the magician looked at the baby and said: “I name you Arthur”.

To be continued/À Suivre


King Uther Pendragon: King of Winchester

Roi Uter Pendragon: Roi de Winchester

Merlin the magician: A wise and very clever magician

Merlin le magicien: Un sage et très habile magicien

King Gorlois: King of Cornwall 

Roi Gorlois: Roi de Cornouailles

Queen Igrayne: Gorlois' wife and Queen of Cornwall

Reine Ygerne: L'épouse du roi Gorlois et la reine de Cornouailles

Morgana: The little daughter of King Gorlois and Queen Igrayne

Morgane: La petite fille du roi Gorlois et la reine Ygerne

Arthur: Son of King Uther and Queen Igrayne

Arthur: Fils du roi Uter et de la reine Ygerne

Britain: Grande-BretagneKingdoms: RoyaumesKing: RoiQueen: ReineKnight: Chevalier
Castle: ChâteauArmy: ArméeForest: ForêtNewborn: Nouveau-né

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 'King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table' is a .

Kings were fighting each other in order to:.

King Uther Pendragon was the ruler of: .

Merlin the magician was a : .

Morgana was the little daughter of: .

Why was Britain divided into several small kingdoms? Britain was divided into several small kingdoms because .


Why did King Uther decide to visit Cornwall? He decided to visit Cornwall in order to.

Why did King Gorlois dismiss his guest, and order him to leave his castle? King Gorlois dismissed his guest and ordered him to leave his castle because .

When did Queen Igrayne become King Uther's wife? She became King Uther's wife .

What was the reason that made Queen Igrayne sad? Queen Igrayne felt so sad because .

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Naissance du roi Arthur"
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