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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°66744 : Discours direct et indirect

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> Tests similaires : - Discours Indirect - Style direct-Style indirect : Cours pour débutants - Discours direct et indirect - Inversion sujet verbe - Style direct & style indirect : suite (cours pour débutants) - Propositions interrogatives - Discours indirect - Formes interrogatives directes et indirectes
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Discours direct et indirect


-Hello! Sarah speaking.
-Hello Sarah! It's me, Bob.
I'm going to see my mother tomorrow.
            What did he say?

Discours direct

 Bob said, 'I'm going to see my mother tomorrow.'

         ( Bob a dit : 'J'irai voir ma mère demain')

Discours indirect

 Bob said (that) he was going to see his mother the next day.

       (Bob a dit qu'il irait voir sa mère le lendemain)

 On utilise le style indirect pour rapporter les paroles de quelqu'un sans faire de citation.
 Les guillemets disparaissent.
 En français, la subordonnée est introduite par "que" (obligatoire). En anglais, elle est introduite par "that" (facultatif).

                    Pour rapporter les paroles de quelqu'un, on peut utiliser d'autres verbes que 'say'.
                Bob announced that...     Bob declared that...   Bob added that...     Bob told me that...
              Remarque :  Bob said that...  Bob said to me that...(moins commun)    Bob told me that...

Discours direct => discours indirect : modifications à apporter

     1) changer les pronoms personnels, les pronoms et adjectifs possessifs concernant la personne qui parle
       Bob said, 'I'm going to see my mother.'       =>        Bob said (that) he was going to see his mother.
      'You have bought yourself a lovely dress.'    =>   He told her (that) she had bought herself a lovely dress.

           2) modifier les adverbes de temps et de lieu, les pronoms ou adjectifs démonstratifs 
 'I'm going to see my mother tomorrow.'      =>    Bob said (that) he was going to see his mother the following day.
 Mark:  'I went to London last week.'    =>    He added (that) he had gone to London the week before.
 Sue:   'I must leave now!'    =>    She told me (that) she had to leave then.
 Peter: 'I don't like this house.'   =>    Peter said (that) he didn't like that house.   
 Peter: 'I can't live here.'   =>   Peter told us (that) he couldn't live there.
     discours direct           discours indirect
         now    =>   then
       tonight=>  that night
      yesterday    =>  the day before / the previous day
      tomorrow    =>  the next day / the following day
 last (year, month...)  =>   the previous (year, month...)
 next (month, week...)  =>  the following (month, week...) 

  this     =>  that
  that     =>  that
  these   =>  those
  those   =>  those
  here    =>  there
  there   =>  there


      3) changer les temps des verbes
      Quand le verbe qui introduit le discours indirect est au passé, il y a en général changement de temps.
 Bob said, 'I'm going to see my mother.'        =>      Bob said (that) he was going to see his mother.


                         Discours direct=>                        Discours indirect
      La concordance des temps se fait comme en français :  Elle a dit : "il est malade."   =>  Elle a dit qu'il était malade.
futur'I will always love you.'=>conditionnelHe said he would always love me.
present simple.'He is ill.'=>past simpleShe said he was ill.
present continuous 'I'm leaving today.'=>past continuousHe said he was leaving that day.
present perfect 'You have bought a dress.'=>past perfectHe said she had bought a dress.
present perf. cont. 'I've been working all day.'=>past perf. cont.He said he had been working all day.
past simple 'I went to London.'=>past perfectHe said he had gone to London.
past continuous 'My friends were playing chess.'=>past perfect cont.He said his friends had been playing chess.
past perfect 'I had lost my bag'..  pas de changement

 Les modaux :  "could",  "should",  "would",  "might",  "ought to"  ne changent pas.
 can     => could      'She can cook delicious meals.'       He said she could cook delicious meals.
 may=> might  'It may not rain this night.'He said it might not rain that night.
 must=> had to  'I must leave now.'She said she had to leave then.

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1. Compléter en faisant les changements de pronoms ou adjectifs nécessaires.

            style direct                  style indirect
Sarah: 'I'm going to the cinema with my boyfriend.' Sarah said that was going to the cinema with boyfriend.
The neighbours: 'Can you lend us a ladder?'They asked us if could lend a ladder.
Tom: ' parents went with to Scotland.'Tom told me that his parents had gone with him to Scotland.
Jim and Jill:' are looking at in the mirror.'They replied that they were looking at themselves in the mirror.

Sarah : 'Je vais au cinéma avec mon petit ami.' / Sarah a dit qu'elle...
Les voisins : 'Pourriez-vous nous prêter une échelle ?' / Ils nous ont demandé si...
'Mes parents sont venus avec moi en Ecosse.'
Jim et Jill : 'Nous nous regardons dans le miroir.'

2. Compléter en modifiant les adverbes de lieu, temps ou adjectifs démonstratifs.

             discours direct                               discours indirect
Our friends: 'We have never been here before.'Our friends told us that they had never been .
Lara: 'I went to the swimming pool .'Lara said that she had gone to the swimming pool the day before.
John: 'I'll have finished work by .'John told me that he would have finished that work by the next day.

Nos amis : 'Nous ne sommes jamais venus ici auparavant.'

Lara : 'Je suis allée à la piscine hier.'
John : 'J'aurai fini demain.'

3. Compléter en écrivant les verbes aux temps qui conviennent.

She said, 'I have a terrible toothache today.'She said she a terrible toothache that day.
My sister promised, 'I will come with you.'My sister promised she come with me.
He told me, 'I was reading a book when the explosion occurred.'He told me that he a book when the explosion .
Anna said, 'You   come and stay with me.Anna said that I could come and stay with her.
Brian told me, ' I tennis for ten years.'He told me that he had been playing tennis for ten years.

Elle a dit : "J'ai un terrible mal de dents aujourd'hui."
Ma sœur a promis : "Je viendrai avec toi."
Il m'a dit ; "Je lisais un livre quand l'explosion a eu lieu."
Anna a dit : "Tu peux venir et rester avec elle."
Brian a dit : "Je joue au tennis depuis 10 ans."

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Discours direct et indirect"
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