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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°67580 : Any /Some plus en détail

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> Tests similaires : - Exprimer une quantité indéfinie : too/too much/too many - Noms dénombrables et indénombrables : cours pour débutants - Bilan de connaissances 1 - Quantifieurs : Some / Any / no - Indiquer une quantité - Noms dénombrables et noms indénombrables - Quantifieurs : Some et any - Some,any,no
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction...

Any /Some plus en détail

Every student is tired of knowing that we use ANY for negative or interrogative sentences and SOME for affirmative sentences, right?



But that's just part of the truth! (suspense music in the background!)

We can also use ANY or SOME in affirmative sentences, but with different meanings or senses. In these cases, ANY and SOME will define the degree or importance of a person, a thing or a situation.


For  example:

-Mom, I'm going to the mall with Jean, so I'll need some money.

In this first example, the child asks for an undefined quantity of money, but there is a minimum quantity considered, even though it has not been said, after all, she's going to the mall to hang out, grab a bite, maybe catch a movie.


-Man, I'm totally broke, I need any money I can get!

In this example, though, the person is willing to accept whatever quantity s/he can get, because it has all been spent, lost or given out to the poor!


ANY and SOME are not just used to talk about quantity, though, but also about how much we need something:


-I guess I'll take some days off to catch up on my reading.

This person doesn't really need vacation, but is probably not very busy at work. (don't you hate this kind of person? )


-I'm about to have a nervous breakdown! I need any time off I can get!

This poor soul, however, could really use a break, even if just for 5 minutes. ( I wonder if s/he is a teacher of any kind! )


All right, let's see if I made myself clear!

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1. I'm bored. I guess I'll call friends and have a party.

2. I'm so lonely. I wish I had friends.

3. I'm so hungry I could eat thing.

4. I'm thirsty. I'll get thing to drink.

5. I need body to love.

6. She said she was my friend, that I could call her time I needed.

7. If this is not quite clear you should study more.

8. I think he's so desperate he'll kiss thing with a mouth!

9. All right, we'll adopt a puppy, but not just puppy!

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Any /Some plus en détail"
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