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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°69104 : Catégories d'études

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Catégories d'études

Ology, actually comes from Greek logos which means the THE STUDY of SOMETHING.With the number of branches of science being myriad in number, there are ologies galore. Here are a few of them.

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1. If you are interested in studying the human race then for you is the branch to study.

2. Some of us are fascinated even by bees (golly!). They would do well to plunge into the world of .

3. The world of can be a truly engrossing one for it means studying maps and even map-making. Wow!

4. The study of climate of various places can be pretty interesting. What's more, its study can be of immense use to mankind.

5. Some love tremendously to go for , simply because their detective instincts make them interested in crimes.

6. Animal behaviour can mean a great deal to man. Even otherwise can be quite engaging to study.

7. Who isn't spellbound listening to something melodious.? If very interested one can very well jump into the world of .

8. We all know the paramount importance of brain for the proper functioning of our bodies. Then it is important to study .

9. Resorting to viz the study of supernatural beings has its own thrills and spills.

10. Some people have a flair for using words and phrases elegantly. If one wishes to study this beautiful world one needs to go for .

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