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> Plus de cours & d'exercices d'anglais sur les mêmes thèmes : | Articles [Autres thèmes] |
> Tests similaires : - Cours / Leçons d'anglais pour débutants: A/AN - Articles : a/an (cours) - Articles THE/ A / AN / zéro : leçon / cours de grammaire anglaise - Omettre THE : 'Quand ne faut-il pas mettre THE?' - Noms dénombrables avec a/an/some - Articles 'The' et la géographie - THE ou rien-les bases - Article A ou AN-cours vidéo | |
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction... |
Articles indéfinis
ARTICLES In English language there are two (not three) articles viz. the definite article the and the indefinite article a or an. Uses of the indefinite article a and an The form 'a', is used with words beginning with consonant sound. For instance, a ball, a cat The form 'an' is used for words beginning with vowel sound. For instance, an elephant, an umbrella However there are some exceptions We always say, a union a university a unit a European a one-eyed man so also, an M.A. an honest man an honorable man We use 'a' or 'an' when we wish to refer to anything or not anything particular. On the other hand we use 'the' before a thing or a person when our listeners know what or who we are talking about or because the thing or person has already been mentioned. Consider for instance the sentences— I met a boy yesterday. The (and not a ) boy I met yesterday is a budding genius. Now below is an exercise wherein you'll have to decide which of the two indefinite articles ( a or an) is to be used. I f you feel that no article is necessary simply opt for ( - ). |

Exercice d'anglais "Articles indéfinis" créé par sreedhar avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! [Plus de cours et d'exercices de sreedhar]
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