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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°75413 : Dictée

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> Tests similaires : - Birds and their nests - Croissance de la population - Desert flowers - Pride and Prejudice : Mr Darcy - Siamangs - Nos oiseaux disparaissent - Dictée : 1er avril - Codes de Traduction
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction...


Ce test comporte un certain nombre d'erreurs grammaticales, d'orthographe, mais il n'y a jamais d'erreur au niveau des noms de personnages, du choix des mots ou de la syntaxe. Il faut essayer de les retrouver en cliquant dessus.

Test réalisé par anonyme

Here you can test your knowledge of English spelling by correcting the mistakes below. Take note that some of the mispelled words are actually words in English, but are spelled wrong in the context.

Example: I here birds in the trees.

- 'here' is a word in English, but 'hear' is the correct spelling in the context of this sentence.

'here' is used to indicate a place.

Example: I bought my dog here at this store.

Ce texte contient 10 erreurs.
Martha walked down the streat with a smile on her fase. She had just left werk and was looking forward to a nice warm meel at home. The whether was nice today, and not a single cloud had hidden the son. Her husband had bought there house last year, and they still hadn ' t finished unpacking. Walking to the dore, she unlocked it with her kee. The dog greeted her with a bark and a wagging tale.

Cliquez sur les erreurs :

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Dictée"
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