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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°7566 : About Wuthering Heights (E.Brontë )

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About Wuthering Heights (E.Brontë )

Wuthering Heights


language  · English (including bits of Yorkshire dialect)time and place written  · In 18467, Emily Brontë wrote Wuthering Heights in the parsonage of the isolated village of Haworth, in of first publication  · 1847publisher  · Thomas C. Newby narrator  · Lockwood, a newcomer to the locale of Wuthering Heights, narrates the entire novel as an entry in his diary. The story that Lockwood records is told to him by Nelly, a servant, and Lockwood writes most of the narrative in her voice, describing how she told it to him. Some parts of Nelly’s story are narrated by other characters, such as when Nelly receives a letter from Isabella and recites its contents verbatim. point of view  · Most of the events of the novel are narrated in Nelly’s voice, from Nelly’s point of view, focusing only on what Nelly can see and hear, or what she can find out about indirectly. Nelly frequently comments on what the other characters think and feel, and on what their motivations are, but these comments are all based on her own interpretations of the other characters—she is not an omniscient narrator. tone  · It is not easy to infer the author’s attitude toward the events of the novel. The melodramatic quality of the first half of the novel suggests that Brontë views Catherine and Heathcliff’s doomed love as a tragedy of lost potential and wasted passion. However, the outcome of the second half of the novel suggests that Brontë is more interested in celebrating the renewal and rebirth brought about by the passage of time, and the rise of a new generation, than she is in mourning Heathcliff and Catherine.tense  · Both Lockwood’s and Nelly’s narrations are in the past tense.setting (time)  · The action of Nelly’s story begins in the 1770s; Lockwood leaves Yorkshire in 1802.

setting (place)  · All the action of Wuthering Heights takes place in or around two neighbouring houses on the Yorkshire moors—Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange.


Exercise :  Put the sentences in order.  




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