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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°8506 : Article de journal: compréhension écrite

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Article de journal: compréhension écrite


This is an article from the Guardian weekend, April 1st 2006, dealing with work on Sunday. Read it carefully and answer the following questions :

Kirit patel, 59 speaking:

“ I came over from India in 1974 and met my wife, Rainuka, who is from East Africa and married her in 1976. I was working in the post office, then for a bank and I used to work on Saturday and Sunday in the petrol Station in Belsize Park as well.

We both came to England with nothing but we were determined to do well in life, so the only way was to work seven days –if you wanted to have your own business, you had to save up, so that's what I did.

Mr Belinsky had made his name in furniture and lighting and fireworks, and he wasn't really that keen on the petrol Station, which had come with a factory he owned, so I really ran it for him. But it wasn't until I had worked for him for 14 years that he sold me half the business then the other half a year later.

I continued to work weekends because obviously there were debts-when you buy a business there are loans and things that you need to clear. And I wanted private education for my children so some sacrifice had to be made, I couldn't just have done normal 40 hours.

But I tried no to work nights because it wasn't fair on my wife with the children. Sometimes, I do a night shift if somebody is ill but it's tiring now,-a few years ago, when I was younger, it wasn't too bad.

The job has become more stressful: customers used to be more honest and trustworthy , but now you have to keep an eye out because they'll drive you off the forecourt or steal in the shop. But most of our customers are regulars and if there's any trouble they're on your side, they'll phone the police.

When I first came to England, there weren't many businesses open on a Sunday; the petrol station was one of the only things. But the opening of the supermarkets on Sunday hasn't affected our business.

It's affected the corner shop and corner shops are closing down now because people can't park, but with the petrol station people can just come and park and buy what they want.

Twenty years ago I would serve perhaps three or four people before 10 o'clock, but I could get all the paperwork done no problem. Now everyone is off shopping and it's much busier. It's all good for our business. “

Choose the right answer.

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1. Kirit worked seven days a week:

2. He worked a lot to :

3. He got his own business after:

4. He neglected his children's education:

5. The job has become easier:

6. His boss enjoyed the job:

7. In past years , many stores were open on Sunday

8. Now he is working in the night:

9. Little shops closed down because :

10. Now his business has become fruitful :

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Article de journal: compréhension écrite"
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