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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°8571 : Eminem

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Hello! I'm Eminem! Here is my life:

> My different names:
My true name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III.

I use the name 'Eminem' because my initials are 'M and M'.

I also use the nickname 'Slim Shady' to express my rougher personality (the bad side of my personality). I am 'Slim Shady' when I do bad things.

> My music:
A lot of people are shocked by my music and some of them (the US Congress, Tipper Gore) say that I have a bad influence on young people, but I have a lot of fans and I'm probably the number one rap artist in the world.

> My family:
I have had a lot of problems with my mother. My mom, Debbie Mathers-Briggs, has sued me because she didn't like the lyrics of my songs.
I try to be a good father for my daughter, Hailie Jade Mathers.

> My movie:
My song 'Lose Yourself' won an Oscar for Best Original Song at the 2003 Academy Awards. It is the song from my debut movie, 8 Mile which is semi-autobiographical.

> My life:
I was born on 17 October 1972 in Kansas City, Missouri (USA). I endured an itinerant childhood, living with my mother in various states before eventually ending up in Detroit at the age of 12.

I took up rapping in high school before dropping out in ninth grade, joining rap groups
. I released a raw debut album in 1997: Infinite but it was poorly received but some people compared me to leading rappers. I won the Wake Up Show's Freestyle Performer Of The Year award, and finished runner-up in Los Angeles' annual Rap Olympics.

The following year's The Slim Shady EP featured some vitriolic attacks on my detractors and I became popular.

I was signed to Aftermath Records by label boss Dr. Dre, who acted as co-producer on my CD: 'The Slim Shady LP' (the bad side of my personality). A lot of people criticized me and said that I was irresponsible. But my album was buoyed by the commercial success of the singles 'My Name Is' and 'Guilty Conscience', and climbed to number 2 on the US album chart in March 1999.

My next album, The Marshall Mathers LP, debuted at number 1 on the US album chart in May 2000.

My new studio album, The Eminem Show, was premiered by single 'Without Me' and debuted at number 1 on both sides of the Atlantic.

Later in the year, I made my mainstream acting debut in 8 Mile. The lead single from the soundtrack, 'Lose Yourself', gave me my his first US number 1 single in November and remained at the top of the charts well into 2003.

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1. Birth date:

2. True name:

3. Nicknames (2):

4. Name of my daughter:

5. First album released:

6. First famous producer:

7. First movie:

8. Soundtrack:

9. Albums released:

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Eminem"
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