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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°87145 : Expressions avec le mot WAIT - cours

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Expressions avec le mot WAIT - cours

wait your turn = to wait in a patient way for the opportunity to have or do something / attends ton tour

an accident waiting to happen = a situation that is likely to cause an accident / il y aura forcément un accident

can hardly wait = used to say that you are excited about something that will happen / être impatient

keep somebody waiting = to make somebody have to wait or be delayed, especially because you arrive late / faire attendre quelqu'un

wait and see = used to tell somebody that they must be patient and wait to find out about something later / on verra bien

wait a minute/moment/second = to wait for a short time OR used when you have just noticed or remembered something, or had a sudden idea / attends une minute/un moment/une seconde

wait till/until = used to show that you are very excited about telling or showing something to somebody / tiens,tu vas voir

just you wait = used to emphasize a threat, warning or promise / attends un peu/tu verras ça

waiting in the wings/waiting (for) your chance = to be prepared for an opportunity to do something that you have wanted to do for a long time / attendre en coulisse / attendre son heure

wait for the dust to settle = to wait for a situation to become clear or certain / attendre que les choses se calment

wait behind = to stay after other people have gone, especially to speak to somebody privately / attendre un peu / rester en retrait

wait about/around = to stay in a place, with nothing particular to do, for example because you are expecting something to happen or somebody to arrive / faire le pied de grue / attendre longtemps

wait on somebody (hand and foot) = to act as a servant to somebody / servir quelqu'un / être aux petits soins pour quelqu'un

wait something out = to wait until an unpleasant event has finished / rester jusqu'à la fin

wait up for somebody = to wait for somebody to come home at night before you go to bed / rester debout à attendre quelqu'un/veiller

there's no time to wait = used for saying that you must do something immediately / il n'y a pas de temps à perdre

  A bientôt ...

Cours réalisé par notrepere, aidé par lucile83  pour le français.       


Les phrases sont traduites sur le corrigé.

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1. You have no talent at all! - You are wrong! I will be a famous dancer one day, !

2. Hold on! ! I've not finished talking to you!

3. The storm is too strong and dangerous so we can't leave. We'll have to .

4. Hurry, hurry! ! We have to catch the thief.

5. No fighting, children. You need to share that toy and .

6. My husband is so lazy! He expects me to !

7. I never knew that opera singer was so good! - Yes, I know. She has been for quite some time.

8. You had better move that knife from the edge of the counter! That is !

9. You've had a very stressful life lately. I think you should rest and before making any decisions.

10. Christmas is right around the corner and I ! It is my favourite holiday.

11. Mum, can we go to the park? - I don't know, dear, we have to if we'll have the time.

12. I have to work late tonight, dear, so please don't .

13. Mark, please after the meeting. I need to talk to you about your job.

14. We have to go now or we'll be late! I don't want to .

15. you see what I have just bought!

16. --this isn't the right key.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Expressions avec le mot WAIT - cours"
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