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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°87152 : During / For / Since / While

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> Tests similaires : - Test de niveau grammatical-anglais débutant - For, Since, During ou Ago - Since ou for? - For, since, ago, during et leur emploi - During, for ou since - For / Since - Since et For - For, Since ou Ago
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During / For / Since / While

DURING      when we want to talk about something that happened:

                  My grandfather was killed during the war.

                  from the beginning to the end of a period of time:

                  During the summer she worked as a baby-sitter.

FOR            when we want to talk about  how long something lasts:

                  The season only lasts for some months.

                  It can be used with all tenses:

                  They study for two hours every day.

                  They are studying for two hours today.

                  I worked at the bank for five years.

                  I've worked at this company for ten years.

SINCE         when we want to show points to the beginning of a period of time:

                  He has been living in London since 1997.

                  We've known about it since June.

                  It is normally used with the Present Perfect:

                  He has been here since his childhood.

                  It can also be used in the structure:

                  It is a year since I saw her. 

WHILE         when we refer to certain actions:

                  While I was eating lunch, I read this book.

                  Please,don't drink alcohol while driving.

                  It is always followed by a subject and a verb:

                 ...while the man was riding his bicycle.

                ...while the children were singing.

                  Both SINCE and FOR also have other meanings, with no reference to time:

                  This is for you.

                  Since he didn't study, he didn't pass the exam.


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1. His grandparents died the war.

2. Tom and his family lived in England three years.

3. My parents have played chess together every Saturday 5 years.

4. the summer, she worked as a waitress in England.

5. I have known about their problems April. I will help them.

6. He usually sings this old song taking a shower.

7. I haven't played football I left school.

8. I'll eat this lemon cake my break.

9. I have loved reading books I first went to the library.

10. His parents didn't usually call him the night.

11. He has worked at this big company ten years.

12. Many tourists have visited this old palace last year.

13. I can't use my cell phone my lessons. I'll call you later.

14. I can't use my cell phone I am learning.

15. Martin and Eva have been learning French two years.

16. his wife was talking on the phone, Martin was cooking dinner.

17. Tom and his family have lived here a very long time.

18. The telephone rang I was reading a newspaper.

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