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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°8723 : Avec ou sans 'TO'

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> Tests similaires : - Proposition infinitive - Verbes d'état - Want n'aime pas That - Gérondif ou infinitif? - Verbes de perception - Proposition infinitive - Infinitif / gérondif - Infinitif-son emploi
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Avec ou sans 'TO'

  • Recopier les phrases avec ou sans 'to'.


English Grammar - The Infinitive without to

after auxiliaries/modals


canHe can run very fast.
couldAs a boy he could run very fast.
mayI may fly to Africa this summer.
mightI might fly to Africa this summer.
mustI must go now.
mustn'tYou mustn't smoke here.
needn'tYou needn't go.
shallWe shall sing a song.
shouldWe should sing a song.
willShe will cook a meal for his birthday.
wouldShe would cook a meal for his birthday.


after to do:

doI don't know.

after the following expressions:

had betterYou had better clean up your room.
would ratherSusan would rather study for her exam tomorrow.
would soonerI would sooner read a book than watch this film.
why notWhy not ask your neighbour for help?
why should weWhy should we go by car?
why should we notWhy should we not go by car?

after verbs of perception + object (action has finished)

feelShe feels the rain fall on her face.
hearI heard Peter sing a song.
noticeMandy noticed the boy climb the tree.
seeThey saw him climb up the roof.
watchHe watched the thieves steal a car.

after let + object:

letSandy let her child go out alone.
Mother let her daughter decide on her own.
let'sLet's go for a walk through the park.

after make + object:

makeShe made Peggy and Samantha clean the room.

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1. I don't know what say. .

2. Would you rather sing or play the piano ? ?

3. They should be more careful. .

4. It's too early start now. .

5. Let them play with you ! !

6. What are they trying do with that ? ?

7. I was so disappointed not see Mary. .

8. We didn't hear her come in last night. .

9. We would like invite you to the party. .

10. I don't want talk to you again. .

11. Why not have a drink at home ? ?

12. I am beginning understand them. .

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "Avec ou sans 'TO'"
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