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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°89063 : Inversion au conditionnel - cours

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> Tests similaires : - Conditionnel - Structures hypothétiques - Structures au conditionnel - Conditionnel passé - Inversion et locutions adverbiales - Condition : If / Unless / As long as - Structures hypothétiques: concordance des temps - Inversion sujet verbe
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Inversion au conditionnel - cours

Conditional sentences with inversion are more formal than those that follow the usual word order.

1) In real conditionals inversion is found with the modal verb should, but it is only used in formal language.

Look at the following examples:

If you need more information, call our office in Green Street.

If you should require any further information, please contact us at our office in Green Street. (formal)

Should you require any further information, please contact us at our office in Green Street. (more formal than the previous example)

2) In unreal conditionals it is common to find inversions in formal language.

Were the negotiations to fall through, it would bring about unforeseen problems. (If the negotiations were to fall through,...)

Had I known about Mr Smith's behaviour sooner , I would have fired him immediately. (If I had known about Mr Smith's behaviour sooner,...)

In negative clauses with inversion, we don't use contracted forms:

Had the people not been informed, the situation would have been much worse.

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1. (the books/be) cheaper, I would have bought them all.

2. (the Prime Minister/fail) to get the necessary support, he would be forced to call a snap election.

3. (the evidence/not be destroyed) , the accused would have been found guilty.

4. (you/need) any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us.

5. (the ship/ not capsize) , there would have been more survivors.

6. (I/win) the prize, I wouldn't spend it on things I don't need.

7. (the storm/be) at night, the rescue team wouldn't have found the lost boy scouts.

8. (he/decide) to come, please let me know as soon as possible.

9. (I/ be offered) the job, I would have to think about it.

10. (you/have) any further questions, please ask to see the manager.

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