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Bulletin météo marine
Vocabulaire : Shipping forecast - Prévisions météo marine
Like a puzzle: The forecast is split up into 31 areas which stretch all the way from Iceland and Norway to the coasts of Portugal and Spain.
Shipping forecast on Friday 16th december 2011 (Storm Joachim)
During this storm, in Brittany on the north-western coast of France, the cargo ship TK Bremen ran aground 100 meters from the Erdeven beach, plage de Kerminhy, between Lorient and the Quiberon peninsula. The nineteen-man crew was evacuated by helicopter.
Source BBC Radio 4
Vous pouvez aussi consulter le cours Echelle de Beaufort sur le site.
- Tableau Etat de la mer (9 niveaux) et Echelle de Beaufort (12 niveaux)
- Sea state (wave height 9 levels) Beaufort Scales (Wind Speed 12 levels)
Code number | Sea StateEtat de la mer | Wave height Hauteur des vagues | Speed-Vitesse(knot-nœud) | Vitesse (km/h) | Beaufort ScaleEchelle de Beaufort | Effects observed on the sea |
0 | Calme, sans rides | 0 | < 1 | < 1 | Calm | Sea is like a mirror |
1 | Calme, ridée | 0 - 0,1 | 1 à 3 | 1 à 5 | Light air | Ripples with appearance of scales; no foam crests |
2 | Belle, vaguelettes | 0,1 - 0,5 | 4 à 6 | 6 à 11 | Light breeze | Small wavelets; crests of glassy appearance, not breaking |
3 | Peu agitée | 0,5 - 1,25 | 7 à 10 | 12 à 19 | Gentle breeze | Large wavelets; crests begin to break; scattered whitecaps |
4 | Agitée | 1,25 - 2,5 | 11 à 16 | 20 à 28 | Moderate breeze | Small waves, becoming longer; numerous whitecaps |
5 | Forte | 2,5 - 4 | 17 à 21 | 29 à 38 | Fresh breeze | Moderate waves, taking longer form; many whitecaps; some spray |
6 | Très forte | 4 - 6 | 22 à 27 | 39 à 49 | Strong breeze | Larger waves forming; whitecaps everywhere; more spray |
7 | Grosse | 6 - 9 | 28 à 33 | 50 à 61 | Near gale | Sea heaps up; white foam from breaking waves begins to be blown in streaks |
8 | Très grosse | 9 - 14 | 34 à 40 | 50 à 61 | Gale | Moderately high waves of greater length; edges of crests begin to break into spindrift; foam is blown in well-marked streaks |
9 | Enorme | 14 et plus | 41 à 47 | 75 à 88 | Strong gale | High waves; sea begins to roll; dense streaks of foam; spray may begin to reduce visibility |
10 | 48 à 55 | 89 à 102 | Storm | Very high waves with overhanging crests; sea takes white appearance as foamis blown in very dense streaks; rolling is heavy and visibility isreduced | ||
11 | 56 à 63 | 103 à 117 | Violent storm | Exceptionally high waves; sea covered with white foam patches; visibility further reduced | ||
12 | > 64 | > 118 | Hurricane | Air filled with foam; sea completely white with driving spray; visibility greatly reduced |
Etat de la mer
Force | Characteristics | Termes descriptifs | Hauteur moyenne en mètres |
0 | Calm (glassy) | Calme | 0 |
1 | Calm (rippled) | Ridée | 0 - 0,1 |
2 | Smooth (wavelets) | Belle | 0,1 - 0,5 |
3 | Slight | Peu agitée | 0,5 - 1,25 |
4 | Moderate | Agitée | 1,25 - 2,5 |
5 | Rough | Forte | 2,5 - 4 |
6 | Very rough | Très forte | 4 - 6 |
7 | High | Grosse | 6 - 9 |
8 | Very high | Très grosse | 9 - 14 |
9 | Phenomenal | Enorme | 14 et plus |
Weather forecast | La météo |
Warnings of gales | Alertes de coup de vent |
Forecast | Prévision |
General synopsis | Résumé |
Rain | Pluie |
Shower | Averse |
Increasing | Augmentant |
Decreasing | Diminuant |
Occasionally | Occasionnellement |
Weather forecast | Prévisions météo |
Gale warning | Avis de coup de vent |
Gale (34-40 knots) | Coup de vent Force 8 |
Severe gale (41-47 knots) | Fort coup de vent Force 9 |
Storm (48-55 knots) | Tempête Force 10 |
Violent storm (56-63 knots) | Violente tempête Force 11 |
Hurricane force (+64knots) | Ouragan Force 12 |
Visibility | Visibilité |
Fog | Brouillard |
Poor | Faible |
Moderate | Modérée |
Good | Bonne |
Sea state | Etat de la mer |
Smooth | Mer belle |
Slight | Mer peu agitée |
Moderate | Mer agitée |
Rough | Mer grosse, houleuse |
Time scales | Echelles de temps |
Imminent | Imminent |
Soon | A venir |
Later | Plus tard |
Wind | Vent |
Wind direction | Direction du vent |
Becoming cyclonic | Devenant cyclonique |
Veering | Vent vers la droite SW to W |
Backing | Vent inverse SE to NE |
Pressure tendency | Tendance de pression |
Falling | Chute |
Rising | Montée |
Rising quickly | Montée rapide |
Now rising | montée en cours |
Movement of pressure systems | Mouvement de pression |
Slowly | Doucement |
Steadily | En progressant |
Rather quickly | Plutôt rapidement |
Rapidly | Rapidement |
Very rapidly | Très rapidement |
Listen to the shipping forecast and find the missing words.
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