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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°89325 : Bulletin météo marine

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Bulletin météo marine

Vocabulaire : Shipping forecast - Prévisions météo marine

Like a puzzle: The forecast is split up into 31 areas which stretch all the way from Iceland and Norway to the coasts of Portugal and Spain. 

Shipping forecast on Friday 16th december 2011 (Storm Joachim)

During this storm, in Brittany on the north-western coast of France, the cargo ship TK Bremen ran aground 100 meters from the Erdeven beach, plage de Kerminhy, between Lorient and the Quiberon peninsula. The nineteen-man crew was evacuated by helicopter.

Source BBC Radio 4

Vous pouvez aussi consulter le cours Echelle de Beaufort sur le site.

  • Tableau Etat de la mer  (9 niveaux) et Echelle de Beaufort (12 niveaux)
  • Sea state (wave height 9 levels)  Beaufort Scales (Wind Speed 12 levels)


Code numberSea State
Etat de la mer
Hauteur des vagues
Vitesse (km/h)Beaufort Scale
Echelle de Beaufort
Effects observed on the sea
0Calme, sans rides
< 1
< 1
CalmSea is like a mirror
1Calme, ridée
0 - 0,1
1 à 3
1 à 5
Light airRipples with appearance of scales; no foam crests
2Belle, vaguelettes
0,1 - 0,5
4 à 6
6 à 11
Light breezeSmall wavelets; crests of glassy appearance, not breaking
3Peu agitée
0,5 - 1,25
7 à 10
12 à 19
Gentle breezeLarge wavelets; crests begin to break; scattered whitecaps
1,25 - 2,5
11 à 16
20 à 28
Moderate breezeSmall waves, becoming longer; numerous whitecaps
2,5 - 4
17 à 21
29 à 38
Fresh breezeModerate waves, taking longer form; many whitecaps; some spray
6Très forte
4 - 6
22 à 27
39 à 49
Strong breezeLarger waves forming; whitecaps everywhere; more spray
6 - 9
28 à 33
50 à 61
Near galeSea heaps up; white foam from breaking waves begins to be blown in streaks
8Très grosse
9 - 14
34 à 40
50 à 61
GaleModerately high waves of greater length; edges of crests begin to break into spindrift; foam is blown in well-marked streaks
14 et plus
41 à 47
75 à 88
Strong galeHigh waves; sea begins to roll; dense streaks of foam; spray may begin to reduce visibility
48 à 55
89 à 102
StormVery high waves with overhanging crests; sea takes white appearance as foamis blown in very dense streaks; rolling is heavy and visibility isreduced
56 à 63
103 à 117
Violent stormExceptionally high waves; sea covered with white foam patches; visibility further reduced
> 64
> 118
HurricaneAir filled with foam; sea completely white with driving spray; visibility greatly reduced

 Etat de la mer


ForceCharacteristicsTermes descriptifsHauteur moyenne en mètres
0Calm (glassy)Calme0
1Calm (rippled)Ridée0 - 0,1
2Smooth (wavelets)Belle0,1 - 0,5
3SlightPeu agitée0,5 - 1,25
4ModerateAgitée1,25 - 2,5
5RoughForte2,5 - 4
6Very roughTrès forte4 - 6
7HighGrosse6 - 9
8Very highTrès grosse9 - 14
9PhenomenalEnorme14 et plus

Weather forecastLa météo
Warnings of galesAlertes de coup de vent
General synopsisRésumé
Weather forecastPrévisions météo
Gale warningAvis de coup de vent
Gale (34-40 knots)Coup de vent Force 8
Severe gale (41-47 knots)Fort coup de vent Force 9
Storm (48-55 knots)Tempête Force 10
Violent storm (56-63 knots)Violente tempête Force 11
Hurricane force (+64knots)Ouragan Force 12
Sea stateEtat de la mer
SmoothMer belle
SlightMer peu agitée
ModerateMer agitée
RoughMer grosse, houleuse
Time scalesEchelles de temps
SoonA venir
LaterPlus tard
Wind directionDirection du vent
Becoming cyclonicDevenant cyclonique
VeeringVent vers la droite SW to W
BackingVent inverse SE to NE
Pressure tendencyTendance de pression
Rising Montée
Rising quicklyMontée rapide
Now risingmontée en cours
Movement of pressure systemsMouvement de pression
SteadilyEn progressant
Rather quicklyPlutôt rapidement
Very rapidlyTrès rapidement

Listen to the shipping forecast and find the missing words.

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The shipping forecast issued by the on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency at 0505 on Friday, 16th December 2011.

There are warnings of in Thames, Dover, Wights, Portland, Plymouth, Biscay, FitzRoy, Sole, Lundy, Fastnet, Irish Sea, Shannon, Rockall, Faeroes, and SE Iceland.

The general synopsis at midnight: Low Portland expected northeast Germany 962 by midnight tonight.

Low Malin moving east losing its identity by same time.

The area forecast for the next 24 hours:

Listen to these components which are always given in the following order:

(1) Location: Viking, Forth, Tyne, etc.

(2) Wind: 5 to 7 gale, etc.

(3) Weather: Wintry showers, etc.

(4) Visibility: Good, occasionally poor

(1) Viking, N. Utsire, S. Utsire, Forties, Cromarty, Forth, Tyne, Dogger; (2) Northerly or northeasterly 4 or 5 backing northwesterly 5 to 7, perhaps gale 8 later in Forties and Dogger; (3) Wintry ; (4) Good, occasionally poor.

Fisher; Variable 4, becoming northerly 5 to 7 perhaps gale 8 later; Wintry showers;

German Bight, Humber; Northeast backing north 5 to 7, perhaps gale 8 later; ; Good, occasionally poor.

Thames; Northeast backing northwest 6 to gale 8; Rain then showers; Good occasionally poor.

Dover; becoming northwest 6 to gale 8, occasionally severe gale 9 at first; Rain, then showers; Good, occasionally poor.

Wight, Portland, Plymouth; Northwest 6 to gale 8, occasionally severe gale 9 in Plymouth; Rain then squally showers; Good, occasionally poor.

Biscay; Southwesterly severe gale 9 to 11 in South at first, otherwise northwesterly gale 8 to storm 10, rain then squally showers; Good, occasionally poor.

FitzRoy; Southwesterly in south at first, otherwise, northwesterly 7 to severe gale 9; ; Good, occasionally poor.

Sole: Northwest 7 to severe gale 9, increasing storm 10 for a time; Squally showers; Good, occasionally poor.

Lundy, Fastnet, Irish Sea; Northwest 5 to 7, increasing gale 8 at times, occasionally severe gale 9 in Fastnet; Squally showers; Good, occasionally poor.

; North or northwest 7 to severe gale 9, occasionally storm 10 in Shannon; Squally wintry showers; Good, occasionally poor.

Malin; Cyclonic becoming northwesterly 5 to 7, perhaps gale 8 later; Wintry showers; Good, occasionally poor.

Hebrides, Bailey; ; Squally wintry showers; Good, occasionally poor.

Faeroes; Northwesterly 5 to 7, perhaps gale 8 later; Wintry showers; Good, occasionally poor.

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