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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°89985 : Marine marchande - cours

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Marine marchande - cours

The Merchant Navy - La Marine marchande

The merchant fleetLa flotte marchande
A merchant shipUn navire de commerce
A steamship, a steamerUn vapeur
A motor ship(MS), a motor vessel(MV)Un navire à moteur
A cargo-boatUn cargo
A coasterUn caboteur
A collierUn charbonnier
A tankerUn pétrolier
A bulk carrierUn vraquier
An ore carrierUn minéralier

The engineLa machine
The propellerL'hélice
A paddle steamerUn bateau à aubes
The funnelLa cheminée
The hullLa coque
The keelLa quille
The stemL'étrave
The bowLa proue
The sternLa poupe
A holdLa cale
Watertight doorPorte étanche
The cargoLe chargement
The freightLe fret
To stowArrimer
The ballastLe lest
To loadCharger
To unload, dischargeDécharger
A craneUne grue

To steerGouverner
The tillerLa barre
The helmLa barre
The wheelLa barre (roue)
A sailorUn marin
The masterLe capitaine
The skipperLe patron
The mateLe second
An anchorUne ancre
The bowsLes bossoirs
An anchorageUn mouillage
The draughtLe tirant d'eau
The leadLa sonde
To soundSonder
To drop anchorJeter l'ancre
To weigh anchorLever l'ancre
To fly the flag ofBattre pavillon de...
The ensignLe pavillon national
The crewL'équipage
The watchLe quart
The compass/compassesLe compas
A chartUne carte marine
To take a fixFaire le point
A knotUn nœud

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1. The bulk of British exports and imports is made by sea. It is no wonder then that Great Britain has the largest in the world at sea.

2. It is comprised of merchantmen (or merchant ships): steamships (or steamers) or motor vessels. Some cargo-boats are specialised: coasters, colliers, , etc. Vessels of any kind are collectively called craft.

3. The engines propel the vessel. They drive one or two (or screws).

4. Paddle steamers are still to be found navigating on lakes or river estuaries. The of a ship is called the funnel.

5. The body of a ship is the hull; it is supported by the which extends from stem to stern.

6. A merchantman includes several watertight holds, in which the cargo (or freight) is carefully stowed. When a ship's holds are empty, she must carry ballast (sand ballast or water-ballast). The goods are loaded on board and unloaded (or discharged) with the help of .

7. A small boat is steered by means of a tiller (or helm) fitted to the head of the . In large vessels there is no tiller but a wheel. The sailor in charge of it receives orders from the master (called skipper on a small vessel), who is assisted by a mate.

8. The are fixed to the bows of a ship, one on the starboard (or right) side, the other to the port (or left) side.

9. Before coming to an , which depends on the draught of the ship, the lead is used to sound the depth of the sea. Then the ship will drop anchor (opp. weigh anchor)

10. A ship flies her national flag. In Great Britain, it is called the Red Ensign. The members of the crew are on duty in rotation during four-hour periods called watches. The officer of the watch must be very attentive to the ship's course and keep a close eye on the compass and the . The speed of a vessel is indicated in knots (one knot = one mile per hour)

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