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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°94948 : Chasse et pêche

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Chasse et pêche

Chasse et Pêche

La chasse - Hunting
huntingchasse à courre to outwitdéjouer, dépister
a hunter, huntsmanun chasseurcunningrusé
to hunt downtraquera snareun piège
a houndun chien de meuteto snareposer des pièges
a pack of houndsune meute de chiensto load a guncharger un fusil
fox-huntingla chasse au renarda cartridgeune cartouche
to go huntingaller à la chasse à courrea cartridge beltune cartouchière
to go shootingaller à la chasse au fusilto hittoucher
a game licenceun permis de chasseto missmanquer
to raise gamelever du gibierto aim viser
a gamekeeperun garde-chasseto levelmettre en joue
a poacherun braconnierto firefaire feu
the gamele gibiergunshot un coup de feu
to chase, to pursuepoursuivregame bagune gibecière
to be trappedêtre pris au piègea burrowun terrier

Les animaux et la chasse
a wild beastune bête sauvage
a doeune biche
a stag, a deerun cerf
a reindeerun renne
a roe deerun chevreuil
a fox un renard
a hareun lièvre
a wild rabbitun lapin sauvage
a boarun sanglier
a ferretun furet
a grouseun coq de bruyère
a partridgeune perdrix
a pheasantun faisan


  • It's open/close season -> la chasse est ouverte/fermée 
  • Come home with an empty bag -> rentrer bredouille 
  • To get a good bag -> faire une bonne chasse 
  • To share the game -> se partager la chasse (le gibier)

La pêche - fishing
to go fishingaller à la pêche to castjeter, lancer
a fisherman un pêcheurto bitemordre
line-fishingla pêche à la ligneto baitamorcer, appâter
a fishing rodune canne à pêcheto fish for, to anglerpêcher
to cast a linelancer une ligneangler pêcheur à la ligne
a hookun hameçonangling pêche à la ligne
a baitun appâtto go fishingaller à la pêche en mer
a maggotun asticotto go anglingaller à la pêche en eau douce
a wormun verno fishingpêche interdite
a flyune mouchedeep-sea fishingpêche au gros
the floatle bouchonunderwater fishingpêche sous-marine
a catchune prisesea fisheriespêches maritimes

Les poissons et la pêche


eau douce

a troutune truite
a carpune carpe
a pikeun brochet
a salmonun saumon
a gold fishun poisson rouge
sea watereau de mer
a mackerelun maquereau
a sardineune sardine
a codune morue
a squidun calmar
a tunaun thon
an octopusune pieuvre
an eelune anguille


  • The fishing season is open -> la pêche est ouverte 
  • Fishing prohibited -> pêche interdite 
  • A good or fine catch -> une belle pêche 
  • Did you catch anything? la pêche a été bonne? 
  • Miraculous draught of fishes -> pêche miraculeuse

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Hunting is an aristocratic sport. The animal most commonly hunted is the fox. The huntsmen are accompanied by a pack of hounds that chase the animal. As the fox is very , it sometimes outwits the hounds, which are thrown off the scent (or lose the trail). When the (or deer) is hunted, it is chased until it is brought to bay and killed. A horn is sounded to mark the different episodes of the hunt.

Shooting (which Americans call ) can be practised only in the wilder regions of Great Britain. When the shooting season opens, many sportsmen (or hunters) can be seen walking across the countryside and many may be heard. The sportsman carries a gun, a belt and a game bag which he hopes to bring back full. He is accompanied by a dog which starts or retrieves the game. When the country abounds in game, the sportsman can shoot hares or wild rabbits before they have taken refuge in their and grouse, partridges or pheasants before they have flown out of gunshot range.

A gamekeeper has the job of protecting game against all of its enemies, including . The sportsman must load his gun. When he sees the animal, he his gun, aims (or takes aim) at it, pulls the trigger and fires. He either hits or misses it. A man who rarely misses the mark is a good . He rarely comes home with an empty bag.

In open season, angling is also very popular and many anglers can be seen along British streams. They angle (or fish) for , salmon, pike or carp. Young children will be content with catching small fry. The angler comes to the riverside with his fishing-tackle consisting of a rod and line. He baits the with a worm or fly and casts his line into the water. When a fish bites the hook the sinks. If he is clever enough, the angler will land a fish. It may be a splendid catch!

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