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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°95597 : After / Before / Ago / Since / For

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> Tests similaires : - Vocabulaire : dire bonjour - IN, ON, AT ou TO? Quelle préposition employer? - Adjectifs et prépositions - Vocabulaire : au téléphone - Au téléphone - Demander/Indiquer son chemin en anglais - Converser en anglais - Expressions courantes
> Double-cliquez sur n'importe quel terme pour obtenir une traduction...

After / Before / Ago / Since / For


- at a later time, behind, following

After I take a pill, I will feel better.


- at any time before now

Have you seen him before?


- in past time

( it is usually used with a past tense, not with a perfect tense )

He lived here ten years ago.


- from a point in the past until now

( it is normally used with the perfect tense and the past perfect tense )

I have had this bicycle since 1990.


- to measure the duration ( how long )

( it can be used with all tenses )

I have had this bicycle for more than 20 years.

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Exercice d'anglais "After / Before / Ago / Since / For" créé par greg100 avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! [Plus de cours et d'exercices de greg100]
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1. Vacuum the carpets your mother comes home.

2. Ella left Poland in 2006 and hasn't returned .

3. - When did you arrive in Poland? - I arrived here three years .

4. Tatiana testified in court that she had never seen the man .

5. Elizabeth went to work in Israel 6 years , and I haven't seen her since.

6. Our roof should be repaired winter arrives.

7. The water and electricity have been cut off in our tenement house early this morning.

8. About six years my grandfather went to Paris to study law.

9. I left the cinema the boring film ended.

10. My grandmother used to cook and my grandfather washed up dinner.

11. graduating from high school, I would like to attend the Jagiellonian University.

12. My uncle Ed, now eighty years old, jogs twenty minutes every day.

13. I had already eaten dinner my family arrived.

14. Let me introduce you to Roger and Sally. I've known them my childhood.

15. The man fell into the hands of the police, ten years committing murder.

16. My grandparents have lived in that village just after the war.

17. I've been practising yoga the greater part of my life.

18. He returned home drunk as a lord two hours .

19. The man died three hours being in a car accident.

20. Henry has been teaching in this school 11 months now.

Fin de l'exercice d'anglais "After / Before / Ago / Since / For"
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