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Apprendre l'anglais > Cours & exercices d'anglais > Exercices d'anglais > test d'anglais n°98528 : Verbes à particule : Look

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Verbes à particule : Look

Check the table below for the definitions of some of the phrasal verbs with LOOK.

Look after (someone or something)(1) to take care of; (2) to make sure that someone is safe and well
Look ahead to think about and plan the future.
Look awayto turn your eyes away from someone or something that you were looking at
Look backto think about something that happened in the past
Look down onto think something or someone is inferior
Look for (someone or something)(1) to search for something or someone; (2) to investigate or examine
Look forward toto feel excited and happy about something that is going to happen
Look into (something)(1) to find out more about something in order to improve the situation; (2) to investigate or examine
Look out(1) to be careful; (2) to avoid imminent danger
Look throughto examine something, usually quickly
Look upto search for information (usually in a book)
Look up to to respect or admire someone


Use these phrasal verbs in the correct form to fill in the sentences below (look after, look ahead, look away, look back, look down on, look for, look forward to, look into, look out, look through, look up, look up to).

Good luck!

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1. Tonight I will have to her child.

2. At the very moment she looked away, the door opened and James appeared his dog.

3. Jane the word in the dictionary whenever she is not sure of the spelling or meaning of a word.

4. I have some good news for Anna. I am to telling her.

5. Can you my homework and tell me if I have any mistakes?

6. ! The benches have just been painted. You might stain your clothes.

7. I will at my schedule and tell you whether I could take such a journey.

8. She is such a haughty woman! She on all the people in this building.

9. If you over the last few years, you will find that this work has been worthwhile.

10. He was to this smart little curly-headed girl when the dog started barking.

11. I was the faces in the crowded room,for the boy with the dark brown eyes.

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