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Police et Vocabulaire
Mounted Police
- police who patrol on horseback
Police Custody
- the local office of the police
- under police control
Police Station
- the office where the police work
Plain - Clothes, Plainclothes
- police officers who wear ordinary clothes to work without being recognized
Interpol ( International Police Organization )
- a police organization that helps the police in different countries, and is devoted chiefly to fighting international crime
Arrest ( verb )
- to capture someone by legal authority or warrant and take them into custody
Policeman ( plural Policemen )
- a male police officer
Policewoman ( plural Policewomen )
- a female member of a police force
Chief Constable ( in Britain, usually singular )
- it is the rank used by the chief police officer in the United Kingdom ( not for the city of London Police and Metropolitan Police )
( AmE ) All Points Bulletin
- a bulletin broadcast to all officers
- it often contains information about wanted criminals and wanted suspects
- APB ( abbreviation )
( BrE ) Police College, ( AmE ) Police Academy
- an academy that trains police officers
Flack Jacket ( also flak vest )
- a protective vest for protection against gunfire etc.
- a bulletproof jacket
Search Warrant
- a document giving legal authorization for a search
- police have the right to search for buildings or people when they have a search warrant
Investigate ( verb )
- to observe, to examine systematically in order to find the facts about a crime
Investigation ( noun )
- the investigation of criminal activities
Crime Scene ( also the scene of the crime )
- it is a location where a crime took place
Traffic Police, ( AmE ) Highway Patrol
- a unit of police force for regulating and patrolling traffic
Squad Car, Patrol Car
- a car in which policemen patrol streets and motorways
- the car is connected by radio with headquarters
- a pair of metal rings
- a police officer puts them around a person's wrists
Police Dog
- a dog used by police to find hidden drugs or catch criminals

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