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Réponse: Reading and you de unexpectedly, postée le 21-10-2006 à 13:56:02 (S | E)
But there are other ways to widen and strenghten our knowledge such as listening

Réponse: Reading and you de nguyen74, postée le 12-11-2006 à 14:11:16 (S | E)
I like reading very much and I spent alot of time reading.

Réponse: Reading and you de sanou, postée le 12-11-2006 à 16:45:25 (S | E)
Hi, so do I ( I enjoy reading) especially the Agatha Christie's detective novels with Hercule poirot and Miss Marple or Tommy and Tuppence. I read them in French.
I think when your book is very very good and it's a question of taste, isn't it? You can't stop, you'd like to finish it but you also want to do something else for read it later...
The films with David Suchet (Hercule Poirot) as the main character are really well act.
In English, I am reading a penguin reader 'Rebecca' of Daphne du Maurier it's a very good story.
Bye sanou

Réponse: Reading and you de beautyfull, postée le 18-12-2006 à 09:14:15 (S | E)
Hi !
I really love reading, I think it's a good way to escape from world's misery and our own problems. When I read, I can see in front of me the scene taking place,and that's better than films because I can imagine all the characters face and gestures. I read Harry Potter for example and then I saw it on screen. I found Harry wasn't as beautiful as I imagined him. I was a little disappointed about that.
According to me, reading is the best way for evasion, you can do it almost everywhere and you don't need anything to practise except free time.
I read all the time, in English particularly but also in French (even if I'm French).
To enjoy reading, you need to find captivating books.

Réponse: Reading and you de haffafn, postée le 18-12-2006 à 12:34:49 (S | E)
I like reading in French a lot and i hope that one day i can read english very well, reading is very important to depressing

Réponse: Reading and you de amigowhite, postée le 18-12-2006 à 18:32:15 (S | E)
Hi everybody
Reading is something great,it's like watching a film, but the difference is that you have the script but you create your own actors,decor and you are even the director.All this effort will strengthen your imagination ,language and style.
If you like reading or not depends on the first contact with it,a child brought up in an environment surrounded by books and the love of books will propably be fond of them,but if all the house hates reading there is little doubt that the child will enjoy this hard task.The evidence: many people appreciate reading after being forced to do it by their teacher.
So the quetions is it possible to like reading for adult who dislike it.

Réponse: Reading and you de ida, postée le 22-12-2006 à 15:12:26 (S | E)
Hi there ,

I think we need to have all kinds of leisure , reading , listening to radio , watching TV , movies .. For me , all of them are pleasant , even necessary first , to have fun and secondly to know what is going on in the world and finally to have a good knowledge .
Thank you in advance for correcting my mistakes
Modifié par lucile83 le 22-12-2006 15:17

Réponse: Reading and you de vtr1000, postée le 24-12-2006 à 12:19:46 (S | E)
I'm so pleased to see that a lot of people still enjoy reading, and, especially, when they are young people like Sanou. Nowadays, many young people think that reading is boring, but, in fact, it seems to me that reading is certainly the best way to learn how to write without getting tired. While you are reading, your mind works and you learn a lot a things without realising that you are learning.
I love Agatha Christie's books too, and, this year, I've bought MY CHRISTIE FOR CHRISTMAS (it has been a tradition in England for many years, Mrs Christie wrote a new book each year for Xmas).

Réponse: Reading and you de vloud, postée le 20-01-2007 à 21:42:07 (S | E)
As many other people, I like, see love, reading books. However, I have periods where I read a lot and others periods where I read only a bit. The kind of book that I love is fantasy, especially books where there are imaginary worlds. I think the reading please to all people, if these one choose well their books. Besides I shall read more because i have a lot of books to read.

Réponse: Reading and you de englishlearner, postée le 05-02-2007 à 14:52:14 (S | E)

I want Share my opinion with you, I do like reading, but sometimes I find reading is vain, words don't have a big impact in our life. some great writers also considered writing is not as important as we think. to online I want say by watching you could have the wrong opinion about people, so in the place to watching theme try to learn what they wrote.
"things which we experience are love, those which we cannot are literature"

Réponse: Reading and you de alinalee, postée le 10-02-2007 à 18:05:07 (S | E)
I join readers who like Agatha Christie! Now I'm reading Ten Little Niggers for improving my English. In my opinion we lose much do not reading literature in original. There are so many witty and interesting things hidden in words.

I want to share with you one of my latest thoughts. When I read a book in Russian I feel something happens inside me. But when I read a book in other language I only learn the facts and the plot of it.
I'd like to make my language as good as needed for empathizing characters.

Réponse: Reading and you de djidji, postée le 23-02-2007 à 20:50:56 (S | E)
for me i like read but i can't do it ,then what are the most interesting titles which i can read to have the habit to read either in french or in english.

Réponse: Reading and you de yajour, postée le 24-02-2007 à 13:14:26 (S | E)
in my opinion reading is something crucial in life because it enable us to have a wide knowledge

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