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Archeologie (correction)
Message de angelya posté le 23-05-2006 à 13:38:47 (S | E | F | I)

Je cherche quelqu'un qui pourrait me corriger une partie ou la totalité de ce que j'ai traduit en anglais sur le site archéologique de Newgrange. Je ne suis pas très douée.

The valley of the Boyne, in the north of Dublin, has many prehistoric sites like Dowth, Newgrange, Knowth, Fournocks. Newgrange is the most notorious archaeological site of Ireland, which is localised in County Meath. He is very good preserved although it was sacked by the Vikings and they disappeared under the vegetation during millenium.
Archaeologists think the monument was built about 3200 before Christ by a community of 3000 persons.
It's a big circular tumulus with a diameter of eighty-five meters. It was enclosed by thirty-five stones, of which twelve were still erected. The most famous is the stone of the entrance because it is decorated with spirals twofold and threefold. These strange decors symbolised maybe the underground world.
In the middle, there is a mortuary room which has the form of a cross. We go in the room by a long corridor of nineteen meters with forty-three pillars. In the room, was large bowls which contain humans bones and the funerals offerings.
The site was restored between 1962 and 1975. When this restoration, two Irish archaeologists discovered a mysterious breach in the roof. This opening was used to illuminated the corridor and the funeral's room. In fact every year, to the winter solstice, at the sunrise the light entered in the central room. This discovery show this civilisation was more evolved than we are thinking.
This site is similar to the and Gavrinis monuments in Britany. He was built in 5500 BC and has an diameter of sixty meters. We recognize the same megalithic art in this construction.
Because this site was exceptional he has been designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and attracts 200,000 visitors per year.

Merci d'avance
Modifié par willy le 23-05-2006 13:48
Modifié par bridg le 23-05-2006 17:23
Titre / divers

Réponse: Archeologie (correction) de jean31, postée le 23-05-2006 à 19:35:30 (S | E)
Bondoir angelya,

Here we go !
Mes propositions sont signalées en majuscules, as usual...

The valley of the Boyne, (0) north of Dublin, HARBOURS many prehistoric sites SUCH as...
Newgrange is the most notorious archaeological site IN Ireland, which is SITUATED in County Meath. IT is very WELL preserved although it HAD BEEN RANsacked by the Vikings and HAD disappeared under (0) vegetation during A THOUSAND YEARS.
... because it is decorated with TWOFOLD AND THREEFOLD spirals. (les adjectifs avant le nom)
In the middle, there is a mortuary room which IS CROSS-SHAPED. YOU ENTER the room THROUGH a long corridor...
InSIDE the room THERE ARE large bowls which containED humaN (adjectif invariable) bones and (0) funeraL offerings. (nom composé)
WHILE the restoration WAS IN PROGRESS, two Irish archaeologists ...
This opening was used to BRING LIGHT INTO the corridor ...
In fact, every year, AT the Winter solstice, the sunrise light entered (0) the central room. This discovery showS (sujet singulier) THAT this civilisation was more ADVANCED than WAS BELIEVED.
This site is similar to the (X omission ?) and the Gavrinis monuments in Brittany. (avec 2 T) IT was built ... and has A diameter...
Because this site is exceptional, IT has been...

Quelques petites horreurs quand même...
I hope this helps anyway.

Réponse: Archeologie (correction) de angelya, postée le 24-05-2006 à 09:51:24 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup Jean31 !
Je vois que je fais des erreurs avec les verbes (pas le bon sens). Mais je n'ai pas de "Harrap's", donc, mon dictionnaire est lacunaire. Sinon je fais des fautes avec les adjectifs et les noms !
J'ai repris l'anglais cette année et je dois dire que j'ai un peu de mal... Mais je vais y arriver !!!
Thanks !

Modifié par willy le 25-05-2006 09:14

Réponse: Archeologie (correction) de jean31, postée le 24-05-2006 à 11:36:57 (S | E)
You're , angelya !
Since you are motivated, I'm sure you will make good progress.
Good luck !

Réponse: Archeologie (correction) suite de angelya, postée le 25-05-2006 à 14:56:01 (S | E)
Je cherche quelqu'un qui pourrait me corriger mon nouveau texte auquel j'ai ajouté de nouvelles phrases.

Archaeologists think the monument was built about 3200 before Christ by a community of 3000 persons during a period of fifty - seventy years.
It's a big circular tumulus with a diameter of eighty-five meters and a hight of eleven meters. It occupy a area of a half-hectare. It was enclosed by thirty-five stones, of which twelve were still erected. The most famous is the stone of the entrance because it is decorated with twofold and threefold spirals. These strange decors symbolised maybe the underground world. The front of this tumulus is made of white quartz and of granite.
In the middle, there is a mortuary room which is cross-shaped. You enter the room trough a long corridor of nineteen meters with forty-three pillars. Inside the room, there are large bowls which contained human bones and funeral offerings. More than 200 000 tonnes of stones were transfered to build the mound which protect the chamber and the corridor. The dome was constituted of little smooth stones (find in the river) which are protected the monument from the wind and the rain.
The decorations are engravings which represented spirals, circles, arches and snakes. We don't know the meaning of these ornementations.

Merci d'avance !!!

Réponse: Archeologie (correction) de bridg, postée le 25-05-2006 à 16:11:22 (S | E)
Votre sujet est ici

Réponse: Archeologie (correction) de jean31, postée le 25-05-2006 à 17:37:06 (S | E)
Bonjour angelya,

Sur mes vieux jours, je vais devenir incollable en archéologie, chic !

... fifty/seventy years. (me paraît préférable au tiret et n'est pas ambigü)
It occupIES (-Y ==> I + E + S car sujet singulier) AN area of a half-hectare.
... made of white quartz and (0) granite.
... the mound which protectS (sujet singulier => S au verbe)...
The dome was MADE UP of little smooth stones (FOUND in the river) which (0) protected the monument from the wind and the rain.
The decorations are engravings which represenT (c'est vrai encore aujourd'hui, je suppose ==> présent) spirals, ...
... of these ornAmentations.

Have a nice weekend.

Réponse: Archeologie (correction) de angelya, postée le 25-05-2006 à 18:05:03 (S | E)
thanks for your help !
if you have questions on archeology, ask me ! I study this in university !
have a nice week end too ! my week end is short ! I have class tomorrow

Réponse: Archeologie (correction) de jean31, postée le 25-05-2006 à 20:30:33 (S | E)
You're still , angelya.
What a shame to have you work on a Friday !
Thank you for your proposal about archaeology but I'm afraid I'm too old to start to learn it !
In fact, I might be of some interest to you as an old fossil !
Have a nice evening.



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