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Exercice 82 (may/might/could)
Message de felin posté le 25-08-2006 à 12:40:15 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour tout le monde

Correction Jeudi 31/08/06

1 Could/Might parents do more to help their children learn to read?

2 A: I’m looking forward to Amy’s party tonight.
B: Haven’t you heard? She cancelled it.
A: well, she may/might have let me know.

3 A: We’ll never get to the station on time with all this traffic.
B: Could/Might we catch the 4.35 train instead?

4 As recently as 1980, farmers might/may be forced off their land by the government without compensation.

5 A: I wonder how my boss found out I was thinking of leaving.
B: May/could he have overheard you telling someone?

6 Before the new law was introduced, people may/might be stopped and searched in the street by police simply for looking suspicious.

7 Might/May I begin by saying how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to address you this evening.

8 The largest of the primates is the gorilla. whose head and body may/might reach 100 centimetres in length.

9 Might/May I take one of those rather nice looking cakes?

10 A: The children cooked their own dinner tonight.
B: They might/may have washed up afterwards. They’ve left all the dirty dishes in the sink.

11 Termites construct earth mounds which may/might measure several metres across.

12 May/could there be a connection between asthma and pollution from cars?

Good luck.

Réponse: Exercice 82 (may/might/could) de nick27, postée le 25-08-2006 à 16:46:02 (S | E)

1. Could parents do more to help their children learn to read?

2. A: I’m looking forward to Amy’s party tonight.
B: Haven’t you heard? She cancelled it.
A: well, she might have let me know.

3. A: We’ll never get to the station on time with all this traffic.
B: Could we catch the 4.35 train instead?

4. As recently as 1980, farmers may be forced off their land by the government without compensation.

5. A: I wonder how my boss found out I was thinking of leaving.
B: May he have overheard you telling someone?

6. Before the new law was introduced, people might be stopped and searched in the street by police simply for looking suspicious.

7. May I begin by saying how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to address you this evening.

8. The largest of the primates is the gorilla. whose head and body may reach 100 centimetres in length.

9. May I take one of those rather nice looking cakes?

10. A: The children cooked their own dinner tonight.
B: They might have washed up afterwards. They’ve left all the dirty dishes in the sink.

11. Termites construct earth mounds which may measure several metres across.

12. Could there be a connection between asthma and pollution from cars?


Réponse: Exercice 82 (may/might/could) de mary2, postée le 25-08-2006 à 17:05:07 (S | E)
Might parents do more to help their children learn to read?

2 A: I’m looking forward to Amy’s party tonight.
B: Haven’t you heard? She cancelled it.
A: well, she might have let me know.

3 A: We’ll never get to the station on time with all this traffic.
B: might we catch the 4.35 train instead?

4 As recently as 1980, farmers may be forced off their land by the government without compensation.

5 A: I wonder how my boss found out I was thinking of leaving.
B: could he have overheard you telling someone?

6 Before the new law was introduced, people may be stopped and searched in the street by police simply for looking suspicious.

7 May I begin by saying how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to address you this evening.

8 The largest of the primates is the gorilla. whose head and body might reach 100 centimetres in length.

9 May I take one of those rather nice looking cakes?

10 A: The children cooked their own dinner tonight.
B: They might have washed up afterwards. They’ve left all the dirty dishes in the sink.

11 Termites construct earth mounds which might measure several metres across.

12 could there be a connection between asthma and pollution from cars?

Réponse: Exercice 82 (may/might/could) de nanette33, postée le 25-08-2006 à 19:35:43 (S | E)
Hello Felin,

1 Could parents do more to help their children learn to read?

2 A: I’m looking forward to Amy’s party tonight.
B: Haven’t you heard? She cancelled it.
A: well, she might have let me know.

3 A: We’ll never get to the station on time with all this traffic.
B: Could we catch the 4.35 train instead?

4 As recently as 1980, farmers may be forced off their land by the government without compensation.

5 A: I wonder how my boss found out I was thinking of leaving.
B: May he have overheard you telling someone?

6 Before the new law was introduced, people might be stopped and searched in the street by police simply for looking suspicious.

7 May I begin by saying how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to address you this evening.

8 The largest of the primates is the gorilla. whose head and body might reach 100 centimetres in length.

9 May I take one of those rather nice looking cakes?

10 A: The children cooked their own dinner tonight.
B: They might have washed up afterwards. They’ve left all the dirty dishes in the sink.

11 Termites construct earth mounds which might measure several metres across.

12 Could there be a connection between asthma and pollution from cars?

Réponse: Exercice 82 (may/might/could) de mp27, postée le 26-08-2006 à 01:26:26 (S | E)
Hello Felin!
1 Could parents do more to help their children learn to read?
2 A: well, she might have let me know.
3 B: Could we catch the 4.35 train instead?
4 might be forced off their land ...
5 B: Could he have overheard you telling someone?
6 Before the new law was introduced, people might be stopped and searched...
7 May I begin by saying how grateful I am.....
8 The largest of the primates is the gorilla. whose head and body may reach 100 cm...
9 May I take one of those rather nice looking cakes?
10 B:.... They might have washed up afterwards...
11 Termites construct earth mounds which may measure several metres across.
12 Could there be a connection between asthma and pollution from cars?
Thank you ever so much for keeping my brain busy!

Réponse: Exercice 82 (may/might/could) de whynot95, postée le 26-08-2006 à 02:54:55 (S | E)
Hello my dear Felin

1 Could parents do more to help their children learn to read?

2 A: I’m looking forward to Amy’s party tonight.
B: Haven’t you heard? She cancelled it.
A: well, she might have let me know.

3 A: We’ll never get to the station on time with all this traffic.
B: Could we catch the 4.35 train instead?

4 As recently as 1980, farmers might be forced off their land by the government without compensation.

5 A: I wonder how my boss found out I was thinking of leaving.
B: could he have overheard you telling someone?

6 Before the new law was introduced, people might be stopped and searched in the street by police simply for looking suspicious.

7 May I begin by saying how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to address you this evening.

8 The largest of the primates is the gorilla. whose head and body may reach 100 centimetres in length.

9 May I take one of those rather nice looking cakes?

10 A: The children cooked their own dinner tonight.
B: They might have washed up afterwards. They’ve left all the dirty dishes in the sink.

11 Termites construct earth mounds which may measure several metres across.

12 could there be a connection between asthma and pollution from cars?

Thanks a lot.

Réponse: Exercice 82 (may/might/could) de lakata, postée le 26-08-2006 à 17:08:05 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

1) Could parents do more to help their children learn to read ?

2) She might have let me know.

3) Could we catch the 4.35 train instead ?

4) As recently as 1980, farmers might be forced off their land by the government without compensation.

5) May he have overheard you telling someone ?

6) Before the new law was introduced, people might be stopped and searched in the street by police simply for looking suspicious ( suspect?) ( as "suspicious" means "suspicieux", it is nothing else but slip of the pen, isn't it ?)

7) May I begin by saying how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to address you this evening ?

8) The largest of the primates is the gorilla whose head and body may reach 100 centimetres in lengh.

9) May I take one of those rather nice looking cakes ?

10)They might have washed up afterwards. They have left all the dirty dishes in the sink !

11)Termites construct earth mounds which may measure several metres across.

12)Could there be a connection between asthma and pollution from cars ?


Modifié par felin le 26-08-2006 17:30
Modifié par lakata le 26-08-2006 17:57
Modifié par felin le 26-08-2006 21:47 Hello lakata, About "looking suspect": No, it wasn't a slip of the pen. In English, the word "suspect" is not only a verb but it can be a noun, and, it is also an adjective. Suspect (adj) = false, dangerous. "To look suspect" = avoir l'air suspect.

Modifié par lakata le 27-08-2006 11:30
Hello Felin. J'avoue être perdue. J'avais compris que la fin de votre phrase signifiait justement "...simplement pour avoir l'air suspect" et ne saisis pas pourquoi "looking suspect" ne conviendrait alors pas au vu de ce que vous venez d'écrire.
Cela dit, je viens de m'apercevoir que "suspicious" avait non seulement le sens de 'suspicieux"(feeling suspicion), mais aussi,ô stupeur! celui de "suspect" (causing suspicion). Des trucs à faire tromper l'apprentie que je suis mais qui montrent que vous avez raison.
So I must apologize to you. I am sorry.

Modifié par lakata le 27-08-2006 11:49
Modifié par lakata le 27-08-2006 11:53
Modifié par lakata le 27-08-2006 18:34
Modifié par felin le 30-08-2006 15:01 Hello, ce n'est pas grave ça arrive.

Réponse: Exercice 82 (may/might/could) de coferam, postée le 29-08-2006 à 14:26:22 (S | E)

Bonjour Felin,

1 Could parents do more to help their children learn to read?

2 A: I’m looking forward to Amy’s party tonight.
B: Haven’t you heard? She cancelled it.
A: well, she might have let me know.

3 A: We’ll never get to the station on time with all this traffic.
B: Might we catch the 4.35 train instead.

4 As recently as 1980, farmers may be forced off their land by the government without compensation.

5 A: I wonder how my boss found out I was thinking of leaving.
B: could he have overheard you telling someone.

6 Before the new law was introduced, people might be stopped and searched in the street by police simply for looking suspicious.

7 May I begin by saying how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to address you this evening.

8 The largest of the primates is the gorilla. whose head and body may reach 100 centimetres in length.

9 May I take one of those rather nice looking cakes?

10 A: The children cooked their own dinner tonight.
B: They might have washed up afterwards. They’ve left all the dirty dishes in the sink.

11 Termites construct earth mounds which may measure several metres across.

12 could there be a connection between asthma and pollution from cars?


Réponse: Exercice 82 (may/might/could) de magmatic_rock, postée le 29-08-2006 à 19:24:52 (S | E)
Hello félin,

1 Might parents do more to help their children learn to read? pour moi perso, c'est vraiment très close l'un de l'autre là!

2 A: I’m looking forward to Amy’s party tonight.
B: Haven’t you heard? She cancelled it.
A: well, she might have let me know.

3 A: We’ll never get to the station on time with all this traffic.
B: Could we catch the 4.35 train instead?

4 As recently as 1980, farmers may be forced off their land by the government without compensation.

5 A: I wonder how my boss found out I was thinking of leaving.
B: May he have overheard you telling someone?

6 Before the new law was introduced, people might be stopped and searched in the street by police simply for looking suspicious.

7 May I begin by saying how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to address you this evening.

8 The largest of the primates is the gorilla. whose head and body may reach 100 centimetres in length.

9 May I take one of those rather nice looking cakes?

10 A: The children cooked their own dinner tonight.
B: They might have washed up afterwards. They’ve left all the dirty dishes in the sink.

11 Termites construct earth mounds which may measure several metres across.

12 could there be a connection between asthma and pollution from cars?

Je pense que des fois les deux sont possibles surtout pour may and could et que ce ne serait pas une grosse faute de dire l'autre à la place! Je me trompe?


Réponse: Exercice 82 (may/might/could) de bobine, postée le 29-08-2006 à 20:10:13 (S | E)

1 1 Could parents do more to help their children learn to read?

2 A: I’m looking forward to Amy’s party tonight.
B: Haven’t you heard? She cancelled it.
A: well, she might have let me know.

3 A: We’ll never get to the station on time with all this traffic.
B: Could we catch the 4.35 train instead?

4 As recently as 1980, farmers might be forced off their land by the government without compensation.

5 A: I wonder how my boss found out I was thinking of leaving.
B: Could he have overheard you telling someone?

6 Before the new law was introduced, people might be stopped and searched in the street by police simply for looking suspicious.

7 May I begin by saying how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to address you this evening.

8 The largest of the primates is the gorilla. whose head and body may reach 100 centimetres in length.

9 May I take one of those rather nice looking cakes?

10 A: The children cooked their own dinner tonight.
B: They mighthave washed up afterwards. They’ve left all the dirty dishes in the sink.

11 Termites construct earth mounds which may measure several metres across.

12 Could there be a connection between asthma and pollution from cars?

Réponse: Exercice 82 (may/might/could) de felin, postée le 31-08-2006 à 11:42:10 (S | E)
Bonjour tout le monde

Voici la correction:

1 Could parents do more to help their children learn to read?
2 A: I’m looking forward to Amy’s party tonight.
B: Haven’t you heard? She cancelled it.
A: well, she might have let me know.
3 A: We’ll never get to the station on time with all this traffic.
B: Could we catch the 4.35 train instead.
4 As recently as 1980, farmers might be forced off their land by the government without compensation.
5 A: I wonder how my boss found out I was thinking of leaving.
B: Could he have overheard you telling someone.
6 Before the new law was introduced, people might be stopped and searched in the street by police simply for looking suspicious.
7 May I begin by saying how grateful I am to have been given the opportunity to address you this evening.
8 The largest of the primates is the gorilla. whose head and body may reach 100 centimetres in length.
9 May I take one of those rather nice looking cakes?
10 A: The children cooked their own dinner tonight.
B: They might have washed up afterwards. They’ve left all the dirty dishes in the sink.
11 Termites construct earth mounds which may measure several metres across.
12 Could there be a connection between asthma and pollution from cars?

Merci à tous pour votre participation.



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