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Idioms 2
Message de felin posté le 29-11-2006 à 19:07:42 (S | E | F | I)

Bonsoir tout le monde

Correction mercredi 6 decembre 2006

Fill in one of the following words in each space to complete the idioms:
brighten up / gloomy/ warmed up/ under the weather/ hazy/ get the picture/ frosty/ stormed/ point/ clear up/

1.How was the office party? A bit slow at first, but it soon ............ when the boss left!
2.Joanna seemed a bit depressed this morning. Oh, she'll soon ............when I tell her she's being sent to Spain!
3.I think he drank too much last night at dinner. He’s feeling a bit .......... this morning.
4.He ...................into the room and shouted at his wife!
5.Oh, so you didn’t know that Terry got the job because his dad knows the director. Ah! Now I ...............
6.Why do you want me to complain? I can’t see the .............
7.Not you again! What do you want? I want to ..........the misunderstanding we had earlier.
8.Have you replied to that letter from the bank? Not yet. Can you help me? I'm a bit ......... about what to do, actually.
9 What's the matter? Cheer up! You look a bit ......... .
10.The car broke down on the way to my husband's parents. We were two hours late for Sunday lunch. You can imagine we got a rather ........... reception.

Réponse: Idioms 2 de hotmustard, postée le 29-11-2006 à 19:34:53 (S | E)
1.How was the office party? A bit slow at first, but it soon warmed up when the boss left!
2.Joanna seemed a bit depressed this morning. Oh, she'll soon brighten up when I tell her she's being sent to Spain!
3.I think he drank too much last night at dinner. He’s feeling a bit under the weather this morning.
4.He stormed into the room and shouted at his wife!
5.Oh, so you didn’t know that Terry got the job because his dad knows the director. Ah! Now I get the picture
6.Why do you want me to complain? I can’t see the point
7.Not you again! What do you want? I want to clear up the misunderstanding we had earlier.
8.Have you replied to that letter from the bank? Not yet. Can you help me? I'm a bit hazy about what to do, actually.
9 What's the matter? Cheer up! You look a bit gloomy
10.The car broke down on the way to my husband's parents. We were two hours late for Sunday lunch. You can imagine we got a rather frosty reception.

Réponse: Idioms 2 de cricrij37, postée le 29-11-2006 à 20:35:17 (S | E)
Hello Felin!

1.How was the office party? A bit slow at first, but it soon warmed up when the boss left!
2.Joanna seemed a bit depressed this morning. Oh, she'll soon brighten up when I tell her she's being sent to Spain!
3.I think he drank too much last night at dinner. He’s feeling a bit under the weather this morning.
4.He stormed into the room and shouted at his wife!
5.Oh, so you didn’t know that Terry got the job because his dad knows the director. Ah! Now I get the picture .
6.Why do you want me to complain? I can’t see the point .
7.Not you again! What do you want? I want to clear up the misunderstanding we had earlier.
8.Have you replied to that letter from the bank? Not yet. Can you help me? I'm a bit hazy about what to do, actually.
9 What's the matter? Cheer up! You look a bit gloomy .
10.The car broke down on the way to my husband's parents. We were two hours late for Sunday lunch. You can imagine we got a rather frosty reception.


Réponse: Idioms 2 de tantann, postée le 29-11-2006 à 21:52:37 (S | E)
1.How was the office party? A bit slow at first, but it soon warmed up when the boss left!
2.Joanna seemed a bit depressed this morning. Oh, she'll soon brighten up when I tell her she's being sent to Spain!
3.I think he drank too much last night at dinner. He’s feeling a bit gloomy this morning.
4.He stormed into the room and shouted at his wife!
5.Oh, so you didn’t know that Terry got the job because his dad knows the director. Ah! Now get to the picture.
6.Why do you want me to complain? I can’t see the point.
7.Not you again! What do you want? I want to clear up the misunderstanding we had earlier.
8.Have you replied to that letter from the bank? Not yet. Can you help me? I'm a bit hazy about what to do, actually.
9 What's the matter? Cheer up! You look a bit under the weather.
10.The car broke down on the way to my husband's parents. We were two hours late for Sunday lunch. You can imagine we got a rather frosty reception.

Modifié par felin le 02-12-2006 22:34

Réponse: Idioms 2 de mp27, postée le 29-11-2006 à 22:53:58 (S | E)
Hello felin!
1.warmed up
2.brighten up
3.under the weather
4.stormed into the room
5.I get the picture
6.I can’t see the point clear up
10.a rather frosty reception.

Thank you!

Réponse: Idioms 2 de iry43, postée le 30-11-2006 à 00:40:33 (S | E)
Hello felin,
1.- warmed up
2.- brighten up
3.- under the weather
4.- stormed
5.- get the picture
6.- point
7.- clear up
8.- hazy
9.- gloomy

Thanks a lot.

Réponse: Idioms 2 de annie, postée le 30-11-2006 à 10:33:11 (S | E)
1)warmed up
2) brighten up
3)under the weather
5)I get the picture
6) the point
7)clear up
8) hazy
9) gloomy


Réponse: Idioms 2 de cat3, postée le 30-11-2006 à 15:11:11 (S | E)
Bonjour Felin

1 warmed up
2 brighten up
3 hazy ??
4 stormed
5 I get the picture
6 point
7 clear up
8 hazy
9 gloomy
10 frosty

Merci Felin

Réponse: Idioms 2 de felin, postée le 02-12-2006 à 22:49:08 (S | E)
Bonsoir tout le monde

Excusez moi je vous donne aujourd'hui la correction parce que je dois m'absenter car j'ai un empechement ......

Voici la correction:

1.How was the office party? A bit slow at first, but it soon warmed up when the boss left!
2.Joanna seemed a bit depressed this morning. Oh, she'll soon brighten up when I tell her she's being sent to Spain!
3.I think he drank too much last night at dinner. He’s feeling a bit under the weather this morning.
4.He stormed into the room and shouted at his wife!
5.Oh, so you didn’t know that Terry got the job because his dad knows the director. Ah! Now I get the picture.
6.Why do you want me to complain? I can’t see the point.
7.Not you again! What do you want? I want to clear up the misunderstanding we had earlier.
8.Have you replied to that letter from the bank? Not yet. Can you help me? I'm a bit hazy about what to do, actually.

Hello cat==> I'm a bit hazy about what to do=> J’hésite sur ce que je vais faire .. (n'avoir qu'une vague idee de quelque chose)

Merci a tous pour votre participation.

See you soon.



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