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Vocabulary quiz 'H words 4'.
Message de marit64 posté le 07-12-2006 à 00:17:44 (S | E | F | I)
Find the words beginning with the letter "H".

1- It's a hard object which grows (usually in pairs) on the head of a cow, sheep etc. ..........
2- This is a kind of small sea fish. ...........
3- What do you call a curved iron shoe for a horse? ............
4- It's the border of a piece of clothing, folded over and sewn. ...........
5- What "H word" means a man who does jobs, for himself or other people, especially around the house? ............
6- A verb meaning to push quickly and roughly. ............
7- An adjective meaning unkind, harsh. ...........
8- A noun meaning a helpful suggestion. ...........
9- A small axe held in one hand. ...........
10- What "H word" means to hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love? ...........
Good luck and have fun!
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.
So long,

Message de marit64 posté le 07-12-2006 à 00:17:44 (S | E | F | I)

Find the words beginning with the letter "H".

1- It's a hard object which grows (usually in pairs) on the head of a cow, sheep etc. ..........
2- This is a kind of small sea fish. ...........
3- What do you call a curved iron shoe for a horse? ............
4- It's the border of a piece of clothing, folded over and sewn. ...........
5- What "H word" means a man who does jobs, for himself or other people, especially around the house? ............
6- A verb meaning to push quickly and roughly. ............
7- An adjective meaning unkind, harsh. ...........
8- A noun meaning a helpful suggestion. ...........
9- A small axe held in one hand. ...........
10- What "H word" means to hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love? ...........
Good luck and have fun!
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.
So long,

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H words 4'. de adl, postée le 07-12-2006 à 00:40:03 (S | E)
i'm Adil.
1-It's a hard object which grows (usually in pairs) on the head of a cow, sheep etc. Hand
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H words 4'. de adl, postée le 07-12-2006 à 00:42:49 (S | E)
i'm sorry!
it's not correct!!
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H words 4'. de sandrineg, postée le 07-12-2006 à 10:02:02 (S | E)
1- Horn
2- Hareng ?
3- Iron horse or horseshoe crab
4- hemline
5- A handyman
6- To hustle
7- Hard boiled
8- A help (I can't find anything else...)
9- A hammer
10- To hug
Big hugs (

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H words 4'. de adamolma4, postée le 07-12-2006 à 17:17:11 (S | E)

2)a herringhaddock3)horseshoe
4)a hem
5)a handyman
6)to hustle
8)a hand (a hint)
9)a hatchet
10)to hug

Modifié par adamolma4 le 08-12-2006 15:54
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H words 4'. de nanette33, postée le 08-12-2006 à 18:11:31 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
1- It's a hard object which grows (usually in pairs) on the head of a cow, sheep etc. Horn
2- This is a kind of small sea fish.

3- What do you call a curved iron shoe for a horse? Horseshoe
4- It's the border of a piece of clothing, folded over and sewn. Hem
5- What "H word" means a man who does jobs, for himself or other people, especially around the house? Houseworker
6- A verb meaning to push quickly and roughly. Hustle
7- An adjective meaning unkind, harsh. Hard.
8- A noun meaning a helpful suggestion. Help
9- A small axe held in one hand. Hatchet
10- What "H word" means to hold close to oneself with the arms, especially to show love? Hug

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H words 4'. de galliya, postée le 08-12-2006 à 18:54:48 (S | E)
It is called a horn.
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H words 4'. de mp27, postée le 09-12-2006 à 00:56:25 (S | E)
Hello marit64!

1- a horn
2- herring?, haddock ?
3- a horseshoe
4- a hem
5- a handyman
6- to hustle
7- hard - heartless
8- a hint
9- a hatchet
10- to hug

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H words 4'. de marit64, postée le 14-12-2006 à 00:39:45 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

Here are the answers:
1-horn (corne) 2-haddock, herring (églefin, hareng) 3-horseshoe (fer à cheval)
4-hem (ourlet) 5-handyman (homme à tout faire) 6-hustle (bousculer)
7-heartless (cruel) 8-hint (conseil, indice) 9-hatchet (hachette)
10-hug (étreindre).

So long