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Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction
Message de lucile83 posté le 16-12-2006 à 17:47:10 (S | E | F | I)

Voici la suite tant attendue

See you soon

Betty invita Bobby à boire un verre chez elle , ce qu’il accepta volontiers. Elle lui proposa du jus d’orange car elle n’avait que cela dans le frigo. Comme tous les verres étaient sales Bobby fit la vaisselle pendant que Betty se changeait. Elle lui raconta ses superbes vacances pendant une heure ce qui rendit Bobby assez nerveux. Il commença à bailler, à se lever, à se rasseoir, et demanda à Betty si elle préférait dormir ou regarder la télévision. Elle jeta un coup d’œil à sa montre et bondit de son fauteuil ; « Bobby ! vite ; je dois prendre le vol 4775 pour Melbourne dans 30 minutes , appelle un taxi et accompagne moi ; tu paieras la course car je n’ai pas le temps de retirer de l’argent, dépêche-toi ! »

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de nick27, postée le 16-12-2006 à 18:32:24 (S | E)
Hello again,

Betty invited Bobby to have a drink at her house, and he accepted with pleasure. She offered him some orange juice because she had nothing but it in the fridge. As all the glasses were dirty, Bobby did the dishes while Betty was getting changed. She told him her wonderful holidays for one hour, which made him pretty nervous. He started yawning, standing up, then sitting back again, and asked Betty if she preferred to sleep or watch television. She glanced at her watch and got up suddenly ; « Bobby ! hurry up ; I have to take the flight number 4775 for Melbourne in 30 minutes, call out a taxi and go with me ; you will pay for the ride because I don't have the time to draw out money, hurry up ! »

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de iry43, postée le 16-12-2006 à 18:38:43 (S | E)
Hello lucile,
Betty invited Bobby to take a drink, that he accepted willingly. She proposed him an orange juice because she had just that in the fridge. As all glasses were dirty, Bobby did the dishes while Betty changed one's clothes. She told him about her nice holidays, during an hour, that made Bobby quite nervous.He began to yawn, to get up, to sit down again and asked at Betty, if she prefered to sleep or to watch T.V. She had a quick glance at wristwatch and jumped to her armchair."Bobby! Quick; I have to taking the flight 4775 for Melbourne in 30 minutes.Call a taxi and come with me, you will pay the journey because I have not time for to withdraw from money.Hurry up!".
Thank,s a lot.

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de vero7000, postée le 16-12-2006 à 19:28:19 (S | E)


Betty invited Bobby to have a drink at home which he accepted with pleasure. She offered him an orange juice because she had only orange juice in the fridge. As all glasses were dirty Bobby washed the dishes while Betty changed clothes.
She told him her wonderful holiday one hour which Bobby made nervous.
He began to yawn, to stand up, to sit down and said to Betty if she prefered to sleep or to watch television. She glanced at her watch and leaped up : 'Bobby, hurry up, I must take the flight 4775 to
Melbourne in thirty minutes, call for a taxi and come with me to the airport, you'll pay the run because I have no time to withdraw money , hurry up!'

Modifié par vero7000 le 17-12-2006 14:45
pour l'aide à la correction, Lucile

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de cat3, postée le 16-12-2006 à 19:44:15 (S | E)

Betty invited Bobby,to have a drink at her home,that he accepted with pleasure.
She proposed him ,an orange juice,because she had just that in the fridge .
As all the glasses were dirty,Bobby did the dishes while Betty changed one's clothes.She related him her beautiful holidays for one hour,that irritated Bobby
He began to yawn,to get up,to sit down again,and asked to Betty,if she prefered to sleep or to watch TV
She glanced at her watch and jumped to her armchair:"Bobby,Quick"I have to take the flight number 4775 for Melbourne in 30 minutes .Call a cab and come with me.You will pay the fare,because I haven't time to take a money Hurry up!

Merci Lucile

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de whynot95, postée le 16-12-2006 à 20:04:05 (S | E)
Hello dear Lucile.

Betty invited Bobby to have a drink at home, which he accepted readily. She proposed him some orange juice because she only had that in the fridge. As all glasses were dirty Bobby did the dishes while Betty changed. She told him her superb holidays during one hour, which made Bobby rather nervous. He started yawning, standing up, sitting down again, and asked Betty whether she preferred to sleep or watch television. She glanced at her watch and bounced of her armchair; “Bobby! quick; I have to take the flight 4775 for Melbourne in 30 minutes, call a taxi and come with me; you will pay the fare because I do not have time to withdraw some money, hurry up! ”

Many thanks.

I hope it isn't an autobiography!

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-12-2006 14:21
No, it isn't

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de aimen7, postée le 16-12-2006 à 20:44:56 (S | E)
Betty invited Bobby for a drink at her house, which he accepted gladly.
She offered him some orange juice for that's all what was left in the fridge(there was nothing else in the fridge). As all the glasses were dirty Bobby washed the dishes while Betty was changing her clothes. For one hour, she told him about her exciting holidays which made Bobby rather nervous. He started to yawn, to stand up, sit down again and asked Betty whether she liked to go sleeping or watch television. She had a glance at her watch and bounced off her armchair;"Bobby, hurry up; I must catch the 4775 flight to Melbourne in 30 minutes, send for a taxi and come with me; You'll pay the fare because I don't have time to withdraw some money (cash), hurry up!"

Poor Bobby

Modifié par aimen7 le 17-12-2006 17:27

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de bridg, postée le 16-12-2006 à 21:36:18 (S | E)
Betty invited bobby to have a drink in her flat so he willingly accepted. She gave him an orange juice because she had got nothing else in the fridge. As all the glasses were dirty, Bobby washed them while Betty was changing. She related him her marvellous holidays during an hour which made Bobby pretty nervous. He started yawning, standing up, then sitting back again, and asked Betty whether she prefered to sleep or to watch TV. She glanced at her watch and leaped from her armchair; "Bobby, hurry up, I have to catch the flight 4775 to Melbourne within 30 minutes, Please, call me a taxi and come with me; you'll pay the fare, I have no time to withdraw cash, hurry up!"

Création personnelle

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de magstmarc, postée le 16-12-2006 à 22:37:12 (S | E)
I'm glad to know what comes next ...

So :

Betty invited Bobby to a drink at her home, which he heartily accepted. She offered him orange juice because there wasn't anything else in her fridge. All the glasses were dirty, so Bobby washed the dishes while Betty was changing clothes. She related her great holidays for an hour, which made Bobby rather nervous. He began to yawn, to stand up, then sit down again; then he asked Betty whether she would rather sleep or watch television. She threw a glimpse at her watch, then jumped from her seat : « Bobby ! Quick ; I must be on flight 4775 to Melbourne in 30 minutes' time , call a taxi and come with me; you'll have to pay for the taxi since I haven't time to draw cash, hurry up ! »

Poor Bobby

Thank you Lucile !

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de marie11, postée le 17-12-2006 à 09:42:56 (S | E)
Bonjour lucile.

Betty asked Bobby for a drink at her place, which he agreed willingly. She offered him some orange juice because there was nothing else in the fridge.
As all the glasses were dirty Bobby had to do the dishes while Betty was changing her clothes.
She told him about her wonderful holidays for one hour, which made Bobby slightly tense up. He started yawning, standing up, sitting down again and asked Betty if she prefered going to bed or watching TV.
All of a sudden she cast a glance at her watch and leapt up out of her armchair; " Bobby! Quick! I must take the flight 4775 to Melbourne within 30 minutes.Call a taxi and see me to the airport.You'll pay the fare because I have not enough time to withdraw money from the bank. Hurry up "

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de frapedur, postée le 17-12-2006 à 09:47:14 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucile et tout d'abord , je vais essayer encore une fois ces traductions assez difficiles!!!

Betty invited bobby to have a drink at home so he accepted with pleasure. She offered him an orange juice because she had got anything in the fridge. The glasses were all dirty, Bobby washed them during Betty was changing. She told him her marvellous holidays during one hour which made Bobby nervous. He started yawning, standing up, then sitting back again, and asked Betty that she prefered sleep or watch TV. She glanced at her watch and jumps to her armchair; "Bobby, hurry up, I have to catch the fly 4775 to Melbourne in thirty (30) minutes, Call a taxi and come with me; you'll pay the ride, I have no time to draw some money, hurry up!"

J'ai reformulé quelques phrases que je n'ai pas réussi à traduire suite à mon niveau

Many thanks for this exercise Lucile!

Modifié par frapedur le 17-12-2006 09:47

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de maya13, postée le 17-12-2006 à 11:41:43 (S | E)
hello Lucile,

Betty finishes off her evening,

Betty invited Bobby for a drink at her place, what he gladly accepted. She offered him an orange juice as she had nothing else in the fridge. All the glasses being dirty, Bobby washed-up while se was changing. During one hour, she told him about her glorious holidays what made Bobby rather tense. He began to yawn, to get up, to sit down again and asked Betty whether she'd prefer going to bed to watching TV. She had a quick glance at her watch and leapt out of her armchair : "Bobby, quick, I must catch the 4775 flight to Melbourne within 30 minutes ; call a taxi and come with me, you'll have to pay the fare because I haven't had time to withdraw any money. Hurry up !"

Sacré Betty et pauvre Bobby, vivement la suite, merci Lucile.

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de coferam, postée le 17-12-2006 à 17:30:37 (S | E)

Bonsoir Lucile

Betty invited Bobby to have a drink at home, what he gladly accepted. She suggested juice of orange because she had only that in the fridge.As all the glasses was dirty Bobby did the dishes while Betty changed clothes.She told him her superb holydays during one hour what made quite nervous.He began to yawn, get up, sit down again,and asked Betty whether preferred to sleep or watch TV .She glances at her watch and bounded from her armchair : « Bobby ! hurry ; I have to take the flight 4775 to Melbourne in thirty minutes, call taxi and come with me ; you will pay the fare because I have not the time to withdraw some money, hurry up ! ». ‘ Poor Bobby !!’


Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de fenics, postée le 17-12-2006 à 18:04:16 (S | E)
Hello lucile,

Betty invited Bobby to have a drink at home, which he accepted glady. She offered him some orange juice because she only had it in her fridge. As all the glasses were dirty, Bobby did the washing up while Betty was changing. She told him her nice holidays for an hour which made Bobby rather nervous. He began to yawn, get up, sit down, and asked Betty whether she preferred to sleep or watch television. She looked at her watch and leapt from her armchair: "Bobby! Hurry up! I must take the flight 4775 to Melbourne in 30 minutes, call a taxi and go with me, you'll pay the errand because I have not enough time to take cash back, hurry up!

See you.

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de nanette33, postée le 17-12-2006 à 18:07:06 (S | E)
Hello Lucile,

Betty invited Bobby to come for a drink at home, what he accepted gladly. She offered him some orange juice because she had nothing else in her fridge. As all the glasses were dirty, Bobby washed up while Betty changed her clothes. She told him her wonderful holidays during one hour what made Bobby rather nervous. He started yawning, getting up, sitting down again, and asked Betty if she would prefer to sleep or to watch TV. She glanced at her watch and jumped up from her armchair : "Bobby! quick ; I had to take the flight 4775 to Melbourne in 30 minutes, call a taxi and come with me ; you'll pay the fare because I don't have time to withdraw money, hurry up!"

And he persists!

Magnifique, comme à chaque épisode, la création de Bridg !
Modifié par bridg le 17-12-2006 18:22

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de masselotte, postée le 17-12-2006 à 18:30:21 (S | E)
Bonsoir lucile83

Betty invited Bobby to drink a glass at her home so he gladly accepted . She proposed him some orange juice because she had only that in her fridge. But glasses were all dirty Bobby made the dishes during Betty was changing . She narrated him her marvellous vacations during an hour and that made Bobby rather nervous. He started yawning , standing up and sitting down , he asked to Betty if she preferred to go to bed or to watch the TV. She glanced at her watch and jumped up from her sofa ; « Bobby hurry up I have to take the plane 4775 to Melbourne in 30 minutes , call a taxi, and come with me you will pay the run I have not the time to withdraw any money , hurry up ! »

------------------- merci lucile83
Modifié par masselotte le 19-12-2006 15:20

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de maylie, postée le 17-12-2006 à 18:42:55 (S | E)
Betty invited Bobby to have a drink to her, that he accepted quicky. She gave some orange juice because she has only that in the frigo. As all glasses were dirty, Bobby made the dishes while Betty changed herself. She told him her great holidays during an hour, that made Bobby nervous enough. He started to yawn, to get up, to sit down again and asked to Betty if she prefered to sleep or to watch the television. She looked at her watch and bounded from her armchair "Bobby, quickly I have to take the fly4775 to Melbourne in 30 minutes, call a taxi and come with me, you will pay the journey because I don't have time to withdraw money, hurry up.

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de annie, postée le 17-12-2006 à 19:05:30 (S | E)
Hello Lucille,

Betty invited Bobby to have a drink at home, which he willingly accepted. She offered him an orange juice because she had nothing else left in the fridge. Like all “cups” (“glasses” n’a pas été compris du tout en Ontario !!!) were dirty Bobby did the washing up while Betty changed her clothes. She told him about her superb holidays during an hour which made Bobby pretty nervous. He began yawning, getting up, sitting down back and asked Betty whether she preferred to sleep or to watch TV. She glanced at her watch and bounded out her armchair; “ Bobby ! quickly ; I must take the flight 4775 to Melbourn in 30 minutes, call a taxi and come with me ; you will pay for the fare because I have no time to withdraw some money, hurry up !”
Thanks a lot

Modifié par annie le 17-12-2006 19:07

Modifié par annie le 18-12-2006 07:50

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de adamolma4, postée le 17-12-2006 à 19:36:40 (S | E)
hello lucile,
Betty invited Bobby to have a drink in her flat which he gladly accepted. She offered him some orange juice because there wasn't anything else in the fridge. As all the glasses were dirty Bobby washed them while betty was changing. She told him how wonderful was her holiday during about an hour which made Bobby quite nervous. he started to yawn, to get up from his chair, to sit down again and asked Betty if she would rather go to bed or watch tv.She took a glance at her watch , bounded from her armchair and exclaimed"Bobby, hurry up, I have to take the flight 4775 to Melbourne within thirty minutes! Please, call a taxi and come with me, you'll pay the fare because I have not enough time to withdraw money from the bank. Get up quick and hurry up!
(poor Bobby, she really exagerrate!)

Merci lucile, merci aussi pour la correction du précedent épisode

Modifié par adamolma4 le 17-12-2006 20:54

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de magmatic_rock, postée le 18-12-2006 à 04:47:23 (S | E)

Betty invited Bobby to have a drink at her place, which he gladly accepted. She offered him an orange juice 'cause she was running out of fresh drinks. As all the glasses were dirty, Bobby did the dishes while Betty was changing. She told him her awesome vacation for an hour which made Bobby pretty nervous. He started to yawn, to stand up, to sit down again and ended up asking Betty whether she prefered to sleep or to watch the TV. She took a glance at her watch and popped up from her armchair; "Bobby, get a move on, I've got to catch the flight 4775 to Melboune in 30 minutes, call a cab and come with me; you'll pay the fare 'cause I run out of time to withdraw some cash, come on hurry up!"

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de cat3, postée le 18-12-2006 à 15:51:24 (S | E)

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de mamouzel14, postée le 18-12-2006 à 16:02:15 (S | E)
Betty invited Bobby to have a drink at her home, which he accepted gladly. She offered him some orange juice because there was nothing else left in the fridge. As all the glasses wer dirty, Bobby washed the dishes while she changed clothes. She told him about her wonderful holidays for one hour that made Bobby rather nervous. She began yawning, rising, sitting down again and asked Betty wether she preferd to go to bed or watching on television. She threw a glanceat her watch and spring up off her armchair, Bobby! quickly, I must take the flight 4775 for Melbourne in thirty minutes, call a taxi and see me off, you will pay the note because I don't have time to withdraw money, hurry up.
"Sois patient Bob tu finiras par gagner."

Réponse: Betty termine sa soirée/ Traduction de lucile83, postée le 21-12-2006 à 08:33:01 (S | E)
Voici ma proposition :
Betty invited Bobby home for a drink, which he was glad to accept. She proposed him some orange juice for she had nothing else in the fridge. As all the glasses were dirty Bobby did the washing-up while Betty changed clothes. She told him about her gorgeous holidays for an hour which made Bobby rather nervous. He started yawning, standing up, sitting down again, and asked Betty whether she’d rather sleep or watch television. She had a look at her watch and jumped from her armchair ; “Bobby ! quick ; I have to take the flight 4775 to Melbourne in 30 minutes , call a taxi and come along with me ; you’ll pay the fare as I have no time to withdraw any money, hurry up !”

See you soon



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