Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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Food for thought (correction)
Message de sabrina posté le 27-12-2006 à 19:43:08 (S | E | F | I)
Bonsoir voilà un sujet pour lequel j'ai rédigé un essai.
J'aimerai s'il est possible que l'on m'aide à corriger la synthaxe et évéentuellement d'autres fautes s'il y en a!
Merci d'avance.
Food for thought :
Researchers are calling for a higher level of security labs. Can you think of some measures that should be taken.
Nowadays, there is more and more risks to see a pandemic in our world. In other words, there are two parts of the matter :
- on the one hand, there is the issue to prevent a pandemic.
- on the other hand, it’s question of response to avoid a pandemic.
In deed, laboratories are the first one which are concerned about these risks, that’s why they have to be aware about this issue. Prevention, information, formation, are key words and everyone, particularly medical staff, have to be ready for the moment when it would be such a moment of pandemic.
Today, it’s important to take the right measures against any pandemic because if we don’t do that, it will be too late and the consequences could be a disaster for human being and the earth entire. At an international scale, World Health Organisation have to coordinate the formation, the financial investment for an optimal effectiveness. In labs, the staff must wear a complete protective suit with mask and gloves.
And if despite everything that were not enough, the response to avoid a pandemic is crucial. That begins in labs where screening and quarantining the potential contaminated persons is essential, and that is the first step to stop the threat. Moreover, we need at this step in full quantities of vaccine, drugs and other materiel...
In a nutshell, public health depends on the preventionary measurement. As far as I am concerned, the principal focus of interventions against pandemic spread should be at national and community level in addition of security labs. That’s the reason why I absolutely agree with researchers to call for a higher level not only in security labs, but everywhere there could be have a danger about pandemic.
Modifié par bridg le 27-12-2006 19:45
Titre ( crier était inutile)
Message de sabrina posté le 27-12-2006 à 19:43:08 (S | E | F | I)
Bonsoir voilà un sujet pour lequel j'ai rédigé un essai.
J'aimerai s'il est possible que l'on m'aide à corriger la synthaxe et évéentuellement d'autres fautes s'il y en a!
Merci d'avance.
Food for thought :
Researchers are calling for a higher level of security labs. Can you think of some measures that should be taken.
Nowadays, there is more and more risks to see a pandemic in our world. In other words, there are two parts of the matter :
- on the one hand, there is the issue to prevent a pandemic.
- on the other hand, it’s question of response to avoid a pandemic.
In deed, laboratories are the first one which are concerned about these risks, that’s why they have to be aware about this issue. Prevention, information, formation, are key words and everyone, particularly medical staff, have to be ready for the moment when it would be such a moment of pandemic.
Today, it’s important to take the right measures against any pandemic because if we don’t do that, it will be too late and the consequences could be a disaster for human being and the earth entire. At an international scale, World Health Organisation have to coordinate the formation, the financial investment for an optimal effectiveness. In labs, the staff must wear a complete protective suit with mask and gloves.
And if despite everything that were not enough, the response to avoid a pandemic is crucial. That begins in labs where screening and quarantining the potential contaminated persons is essential, and that is the first step to stop the threat. Moreover, we need at this step in full quantities of vaccine, drugs and other materiel...
In a nutshell, public health depends on the preventionary measurement. As far as I am concerned, the principal focus of interventions against pandemic spread should be at national and community level in addition of security labs. That’s the reason why I absolutely agree with researchers to call for a higher level not only in security labs, but everywhere there could be have a danger about pandemic.
Modifié par bridg le 27-12-2006 19:45
Titre ( crier était inutile)
Réponse: Food for thought (correction) de aimen7, postée le 27-12-2006 à 21:32:59 (S | E)
Nowadays, there are more and more risks to see a pandemic in our world. In other words, there are two parts of the matter :
On the one hand, there is the issue to prevent a pandemic. On the other hand, it’s a question of response to avoid a pandemic. (L'introduction me parait ambigüe.)
Indeed, laboratories are the first
Today, it is important to take the right measures against any pandemic because
And if despite everything that
In a nutshell, public health depends on the
Il y a plein de choses à revoir, le choix des mots est parfois ambigu.

Réponse: Food for thought (correction) de hpesoj, postée le 29-12-2006 à 00:30:58 (S | E)
Un peu plus de corrections:
Food for thought :
Researchers are calling for a higher level of security in labs. Can you think of some measures that should be taken.
Nowadays, there
- On the one hand, there is the issue

- On the other hand, it’s a question of response in order to avoid a pandemic spreading

Indeed, laboratories are the first to be concerned and affected by these risks, that’s why they have to be aware
Today, it is important to take the right measures against any pandemic because if a pandemic broke out it would be too late and the consequences could be
And if despite everything that
In a nutshell, public health depends on taking the right preventional measures
Réponse: Food for thought (correction) de nick27, postée le 29-12-2006 à 01:04:21 (S | E)
I would add
"... and everyone, particularly medical staff, have to be ready to face any pandemic."
=> Everyone has to be ready ...