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Vocabulary quiz 'M words 4'.
Message de marit64 posté le 27-12-2006 à 23:25:37 (S | E | F | I)
Find the words beginning with the letter "M".

1-A verb meaning to have an unfairly low opinion of a person. ..........
2-It's an adjective meaning great and splendid. ..........
3-What do you call a revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair? ...........
4-This word is used for a member of a male religious group, who lives in a monastery, away from the rest of society? ...........
5-An adjective meaning damp or stale in smell or taste. ...........
6-When you want to keep something in good condition, you have to ......... it.
7-What "M word" means a dealer who buys goods from the person who makes or grows them, and sells them to shopkeepers or to the public; a wholesaler? ...........
8-What do you call a machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffee, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces? ..........
9-A noun meaning the person planning and controlling an undertaking or scheme. ..........
10-A large (luxurious) house. ...........
Good luck and have fun.
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.

Message de marit64 posté le 27-12-2006 à 23:25:37 (S | E | F | I)

Find the words beginning with the letter "M".

1-A verb meaning to have an unfairly low opinion of a person. ..........
2-It's an adjective meaning great and splendid. ..........
3-What do you call a revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair? ...........
4-This word is used for a member of a male religious group, who lives in a monastery, away from the rest of society? ...........
5-An adjective meaning damp or stale in smell or taste. ...........
6-When you want to keep something in good condition, you have to ......... it.
7-What "M word" means a dealer who buys goods from the person who makes or grows them, and sells them to shopkeepers or to the public; a wholesaler? ...........
8-What do you call a machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffee, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces? ..........
9-A noun meaning the person planning and controlling an undertaking or scheme. ..........
10-A large (luxurious) house. ...........
Good luck and have fun.
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 4'. de hotmustard, postée le 28-12-2006 à 00:35:59 (S | E)
Bonsoir marit64,
A verb meaning to have an unfairly low opinion of a person .misjudge
2-It's an adjective meaning great and splendid. magnificent
3-What do you call a revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair? manege
4-This word is used for a member of a male religious group, who lives in a monastery, away from the rest of society? monk
5-An adjective meaning damp or stale in smell or taste. mouldy
6-When you want to keep something in good condition, you have to mind it.
7-What "M word" means a dealer who buys goods from the person who makes or grows them, and sells them to shopkeepers or to the public; a wholesaler? middleman
8-What do you call a machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffee, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces? mill9-A noun meaning the person planning and controlling an undertaking or scheme. ...magician!
A large house mansion

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 4'. de iry43, postée le 28-12-2006 à 04:18:16 (S | E)
Hi marit 64,
1. Misjudge
2. Magnificent
3. Manegemerry-go-round
4. Monk
5. Moldymusty
6. Maintain
7. Middleman
8. Mill
9. Managermastermind
Thanks again

Modifié par iry43 le 31-12-2006 02:32
Modifié par iry43 le 31-12-2006 02:34
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 4'. de whynot95, postée le 28-12-2006 à 06:23:14 (S | E)
Hello my dear Marit.

1/ Misjudge
2/ Magnificent
3/ Merry-go-round
4/ Monk
5/ Mouldy, musty
6/ Maintain
7/ Middleman
8/ Mill
9/ Manager, mastermind
10/ Manor,mansion

Modifié par whynot95 le 30-12-2006 11:41
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 4'. de magstmarc, postée le 28-12-2006 à 11:47:50 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1-A verb meaning to have an unfairly low opinion of a person. misjudge
2-It's an adjective meaning great and splendid. magnificent
3-What do you call a revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair? a merry-go-round
4-This word is used for a member of a male religious group, who lives in a monastery, away from the rest of society? a monk
5-An adjective meaning damp or stale in smell or taste. mouldy

6-When you want to keep something in good condition, you have to maintain it. Phew ! This one was tough.

7-What "M word" means a dealer who buys goods from the person who makes or grows them, and sells them to shopkeepers or to the public; a wholesaler?

8-What do you call a machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffee, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces? mill
9-A noun meaning the person planning and controlling an undertaking or scheme. manager

10-A large (luxurious) house. manor
Thank you very much !
I wish you all the best for this oncoming new year.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 4'. de nanette33, postée le 29-12-2006 à 10:13:17 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
1-A verb meaning to have an unfairly low opinion of a person. Misjudge
2-It's an adjective meaning great and splendid. magnificent
3-What do you call a revolving ring of toy horses etc on which children ride at a fair? manege
4-This word is used for a member of a male religious group, who lives in a monastery, away from the rest of society? monk
5-An adjective meaning damp or stale in smell or taste. musty
6-When you want to keep something in good condition, you have to maintain it.
7-What "M word" means a dealer who buys goods from the person who makes or grows them, and sells them to shopkeepers or to the public; a wholesaler?

8-What do you call a machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffee, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces? mill
9-A noun meaning the person planning and controlling an undertaking or scheme. manager
10-A large (luxurious) house. manor

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 4'. de good_doggy, postée le 31-12-2006 à 01:14:35 (S | E)
Hello everybody,
1 Misestimate, misjudge
2 Magnificent
3 Merry-go-round
4 Monk
5 Musty, moldy or mouldy
6 Maintain
7 Middleman
8 Mill
9 Manager
10 Manor, mansion
Thanks a lot Marit.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 4'. de isa71, postée le 01-01-2007 à 23:05:30 (S | E)
Bonsoir Marit


8-mill(pepper mill,coffee mill)
Je suis ravie de te retrouver Marit très bonne année

Modifié par isa71 le 01-01-2007 23:06
Modifié par isa71 le 03-01-2007 16:55
Merci Marit
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 4'. de mp27, postée le 02-01-2007 à 20:45:39 (S | E)
Hello marit64!
1- to misjudge
2- magnificent
3- a merry-go-round
4- a monk
5- musty
6- to maintain (it).
7- the middleman
8- a mill
9- a manager/ a managing director
10- a mansion
Thanks a lot!... and all my best wishes for a happy new year!

Modifié par mp27 le 02-01-2007 22:20
9) if 10 letters, would it be mastermind?
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M words 4'. de marit64, postée le 03-01-2007 à 21:32:27 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

Here are the answers:
1-misjudge (sous-estimer, mal juger) 2-magnificent (magnifique)
3-merry-go-round (manège) 4-monk (moine) 5-musty, mouldy, moldy (moisi)
6-maintain (entretenir) 7-middleman (intermédiaire) 8-mill (moulin)
9-mastermind (cerveau) 10-mansion (hôtel particulier; manoir)
Thanks a lot for your participation.
I wish you all the best for this new year.
So long,