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Betty à Melbourne/Traduction
Message de lucile83 posté le 05-01-2007 à 09:09:11 (S | E | F | I)

Quelques nouvelles de cette chère Betty...
Correction par mp
See you soon

Betty en route pour Melbourne

Bobby appela un taxi qui arriva 5 minutes plus tard et les conduisit à l’aéroport . Bobby dit à Betty qu’il voulait aller à Melbourne et elle lui répondit qu’elle n’y voyait pas d’inconvénient. Il se précipita au comptoir pour acheter un billet pendant que Betty allait dans la salle d’embarquement. Il arriva juste à temps pour prendre le vol pour Melbourne mais comme les passagers avaient embarqué il se dit qu’il verrait Betty dans l’avion. Trente minutes plus tard il n’avait toujours pas vu Betty et il commença à s’inquiéter. Quand il arriva à Melbourne il appela Betty qui lui dit qu’elle lui avait donné une fausse destination parce qu’elle en avait assez de le trouver toujours sur son chemin. Bobby fut terriblement bouleversé et raccrocha. C’est alors qu’il rencontra des amis sur le chemin du retour à Paris.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-01-2007 08:20
Attention au contresens dans la dernière phrase,j'en ai vu plusieurs
Et cette fois j'ai mis un titre

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de vero7000, postée le 05-01-2007 à 10:15:57 (S | E)

Voici ma traduction:

Bobby called a taxi which arrived five minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby said to Betty that he would go to Melbourne and she answered him that there was no problem. He rushed to the reception desk to buy a ticket while Betty went to the departure lounge.
He arrived in time to take the flight to Melbourne ,but like the flyers had in their seats HAD GOT ON BOARD, he thought that he would see Betty in the plane .
Thirty minutes later he had not seen Betty yet and began to worry.
When he arrived in Melbourne, he called Betty who told him that she gave him a wrong destination because she wanted to get rid of him. Bobby was upset and rang off.
Then he met some friends on their way back to Paris.

Merci Lucile, sans ton aide, j'aurais pataugé davantage
Je plains sincèrement Bobby!

Modifié par vero7000 le 06-01-2007 14:36

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de frapedur, postée le 05-01-2007 à 11:11:43 (S | E)
Hello Lucile, and many thanks for this translation:

Bobby called a taxi who arrives five minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby said to Betty that he would go to Melbourne ans she answered that she saw no problems. He wen to the reception very quickly to buy a ticket during Betty went to the boarding hall.
He arrived very short to take the fly to Melbourne but like the flyers had loaded (I don't know the past perfect ), he tought that he sax Betty in the plane. Thirty minutes later, he never sax Betty ans he began to be worry.
When he arrived to Melbourne, he calles Betty who says him that she had given a wrond direction because she was fed up to walways find him on her way! Bobby was very deeplt and rang out the phone. It's so he met many friends on the way back, in Paris!

Very, very poor Bobby

The traduction translation was very hard so I had a lot of difficulties to translate him it. I have changed a lot of sentences because it was too hard, sorry
There was just a problem: I don't know the past perfect, I learn it in the second trimestrial term.
I hope that my translation is not too bad
Modifié par frapedur le 05-01-2007 11:12
Modifié par frapedur le 05-01-2007 11:13
Modifié par lucile83 le 05-01-2007 15:16

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de marie11, postée le 05-01-2007 à 11:38:14 (S | E)
Bonjour lucile,

Betty on her way to Melbourne.

Bobby called a taxi, which arrived five minutes later, and drove them to the airport.
Bobby told Betty that he wanted to go to Melbourne, and she answered that she had no objections. He rushed towards the check-in counter to buy a ticket, while Betty was going to the boarding area. He managed to catch the flight to Melbourne just in time, but as all the passengers had already boarded he thought that he could see Betty inside the cabin. A half-hour had already elapsed and he hadn't seen Betty yet......He began worrying.
When he arrived in Melbourne, he called Betty who told him she gave him a wrong destination on purpose,because she couldn't bear finding him always on her own way.
Bobby was terribly upset and he hung up (on her).
It's then he met some friends on his way back to Paris.

I send you my best wishes for the New Year.

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de cat3, postée le 05-01-2007 à 15:24:20 (S | E)
hello Lucile (for me ,it's difficult!!!)

Betty on the way to Melbourne
Bobby called a taxi which arrived five minutes later,and drove them to the airport.Bobby said to Betty he would go to Melbourne,and she answered him that there was no problem.he bolted towards the reception to buy a ticket while Betty went to boarding hall.He arrived just in time to take the flight to Melbourne,but like the flyers had taked on board,he thought he would see Betty in the plane Thirty minutes later,he hadn't see betty and began to be worry
When he arrived in Melbourne,he phoned to betty,who said him she had indicated a wrong destination because she wouldn't always see him on her way .Bobby was dreadfully distressed and rang off
When he riturned to Paris,he met some friends

merci Lucile

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de meway, postée le 05-01-2007 à 16:58:54 (S | E)
hello, Lucile.Je te suggère:" Bobby called a taxi which arrived five minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby told Betty that he wanted to go to Melbourne and she replied she didn't mind. He rushed to the check-in counter to buy a ticket while Betty headed for the departure lounge. He arrived just on time to get the Melbourne flight ,and as the passengers had already embarked, he thought he would see Betty on board. 30 minutes later, no sign of Betty and he began to worry. When he got to Melbourne, he called Betty who told him she had given him a wrong destination because she was fed up with his standing constantly on her way. Bobby was terribly upset;he hung up(on her).
It was on his his way back to Paris that he met some friends."
Here you are, young lady ! and Happy New Year !

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de nick27, postée le 05-01-2007 à 17:20:55 (S | E)
Hello Lucile !

Betty, on her way to Melbourne.

Bobby called out a taxi that arrived 5 minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby said to Betty he wanted to go to Melbourne and she told him there was no problem. He rushed toward the check-in desk to buy a ticket as Betty got into the departure lounge. He showed up just in time to take the flight to Melbourne but seeing that the passengers had already gotten on the plane he told himself he would see Betty later. After thirty minutes he still hadn't seen her and began to worry. When he arrived in Melbourne he called up Betty who told him she had given him a wrong destination because she was fed up with him ! He was always following her wherever she was going. Bobby was terribly upset and hung up. Later he came across some friends on their way back to Paris.

Bye bye

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de annie, postée le 05-01-2007 à 17:54:30 (S | E)
Hello Lucille,
Betty on the road to Melbourne.

Bobby called a cab which arrived five minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby said to Betty he wanted to go to Melbourne and she answered him she didn’t mind.
He dashed for the counter to buy a plane ticket while Betty was going to the boarding room.
He arrived in time to take the flight to Melbourne but as passengers had gone on board, he thought he would see Betty into the plane.
Thirty minutes later, he hadn’t see Betty yet and began to worry .
When he reached Melbourne he called Betty who said to him she had given him a wrong destination because she was fed up of always finding him on her road.
Bobby was terribly distressed and hung up.
At this moment he met some friends on the way back to Paris.

Thanks Lucille and best wishes

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de aimen7, postée le 05-01-2007 à 18:13:57 (S | E)
Hello lucile
Betty on her way to Melbourne.
Bobby sent for a taxi which arrived five minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby told Betty that he wished to go to Melbourne and she answered him she didn't mind. He rushed to the counter to buy a ticket while Betty was getting to the boarding room.
He arrived just in time to catch the Melbourne flight but as the passengers had got on the plane, he thought he would see Betty on board. Thirty minutes later he hadn't seen Betty yet and he started to worry. When he arrived in Melbourne, he called Betty who told him that she gave him a wrong destination because she was sick of finding him always on her way.
Bobby felt terribly overwhelmed and he (wanted to hang her) but he simply hung up. Then he met some friends on his way back to Paris.
Thanks again.
Modifié par aimen7 le 05-01-2007 20:53J'ai inventé un nouveau verbe irrégulier,(Hang-hanged)
Modifié par lucile83 le 06-01-2007 08:36
non, le verbe hang/hanged existe bien mais dans le sens de pendre quelqu'un; Bobby y pense peut-être
Alors j'ai dû lire dans les pensées de ce pauvre Bobby ------------------

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de xs, postée le 05-01-2007 à 18:52:28 (S | E)
Bonsoir Lucille,

Betty, on the road to Melbourne.

Bobby called a taxi which arrived five minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby said to Betty that he wanted to go Melbourne, and she agreed/she didn't see any drawback. He dashed for the countertop to buy tickets while Betty was going to the waiting room. He arrived nick on time to take the Melbourne flight, but as the passengers had gone aboard, he thought he would see Betty in the plane. Thirty minutes later, he hadn't seen Betty yet, so he began to worry. When he arrived to Melbourne, he phoned up Betty who said she had given him a false destination because he had got her on her nerves to ground always squirrel. Bobby was frightfully upset and rang off. Then, he met some friends while he returned to Paris.

Voili voilou
Bonne Soirée!

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de traviskidd, postée le 05-01-2007 à 20:45:32 (S | E)
Betty en route to Melbourne

Bobby called a taxi which arrived 5 minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby told Betty he wanted to go to Melbourne and Betty responded (to him) that she didn't see a problem with it. He rushed to the counter to buy a ticket while Betty waited in the boarding room. He arrived just in time to take the flight but as(/since) the passengers had boarded he told Betty he would see her on the plane. Thirty minutes later he still hadn't seen Betty and he started to worry. When he arrived in Melbourne he called Betty who told him she had given him a wrong destination because she had (had) enough of him being in her way. Bobby was terribly heartbroken and hung up . It was then that he met(/ran into) some friends on their way back to Paris.

(Advice for Bobby: Stay away from women! Like drugs, they are enticing at first but eventually they will ruin your life! )
Modifié par lucile83 le 06-01-2007 16:00
Pooooooooor Betty ! nobody likes her

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de iry43, postée le 05-01-2007 à 22:12:52 (S | E)
Hello lucile,

Betty on her way to Melbourne.

Bobby called a cab, which arrived five minutes later, and drove them to the airport. Bobby told to Betty that he wanted to go to Melbourne, and she answered him that she had no objection. He rushed to checking desk, in order to buy a ticket, while Betty went into boarding room.He arrived, just in time ,to catch the flight to Melbourne, but as the passengers had boarded, he thought that , he could see Betty on the airplane. Thirty minutes later, he had always not seen Betty and he began worrying. When he arrived at Melbourne, he called Betty, who told him that , she had given a wrong destination , on purpose, because she couldn't bear finding him always on her own way.
Bobby was terribly unhappy and he hung up. It's then, he met some friends ,on their way back to Paris.

Poor Bobby, I hope that he has understood.

Many thanks.

Modifié par iry43 le 06-01-2007 18:10

Modifié par iry43 le 06-01-2007 18:16

Modifié par iry43 le 06-01-2007 19:04

Modifié par iry43 le 06-01-2007 19:07

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de maya13, postée le 06-01-2007 à 10:46:38 (S | E)
hello Lucile,

Betty on her way to Melbourne

Bobby sent for a taxi which arrived 5 minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby told Betty he would like to go to Melbourne and she said she had no objections. He rushed towards the booking office to buy a ticket while Betty made to the boarding room. He got there just in time to catch the flight to Melbourne, but as the passengers had already boarded, he thought he would meet Betty on the plane. Thirty minutes later, he had not yet seen Betty and began to worry. When he landed in Melbourne he called Betty who told him she had given him a wrong destination because she had more than enough of him under her feet. Bobby was really upset and hung up. Later, on his way back to Paris, he met some friends.

Poor Bobby I hope he is in the know now !thank you

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de adamolma4, postée le 06-01-2007 à 14:15:42 (S | E)

hello lucile,
Betty on her way to Melbourne

Bobby called a taxi, which arrived five minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby told Betty that he wanted to go to Melbourne and she answered him that she had no objection. So, he rushed toward the counter to buy a ticket while Betty made for the departure lounge. He arrived just in time to take the flight to Melbourne but since the passengers had already embarked, he thought he would see Betty later in the plane. Thirty minutes later, he hadn't seen Betty yet and began to worry. When he got to Melbourne, he phoned to Betty who told him she had given him a wrong destination because she had enough to see him always on her way. Bobby was deeply upset and hang up.
It's then,he met some friends on their way back to Paris-----------
merci lucile
Modifié par adamolma4 le 07-01-2007 20:02

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de whynot95, postée le 06-01-2007 à 17:43:24 (S | E)
Hello dear Lucile.

Betty on her way to Melbourne.
Bobby called a taxi which arrived five minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby told Betty he wanted to go to Melbourne and she answered that she didn't see any objection to this. He rushed to the sales counter to buy a ticket while Betty went to the boarding room. He arrived just in time to take the flight to Melbourne but as the passengers had boarded he said to himself he would see her on the plane. Thirty minutes later he hadn't seen Betty yet and he started worrying. When he arrived in Melbourne he called Betty who told him she had given him a wrong destination because she had enough of seeing him always on her way. Bobby was terribly upset and hung up. It was then that he met some friends on their way back to Paris.

I don't feel sorry for him any more. He is so stupid.
Betty is right.

Thanks a lot.

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de pepe69, postée le 06-01-2007 à 17:48:59 (S | E)
Hello lucile.
Betty on her way to Melbourne.
Bobby called a taxi which arrived five minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby told Betty that he wanted to go to Melbourne and she answered him she had no objections. He rushed to the counter to buy a ticket while Betty was going to the departure lounge. He arrived just in time to take the flight to Melbourne but, as the passengers had taken on board, he thought he would see Betty on the plane. Thirty minutes later, he hadn't seen Betty and he began to worry.
When he arrived in Melbourne, he called Betty who told him she had given him a wrong destination because she had(more than)enough of always finding him on her way. Bobby was terribly shattered and hung up. Then, he met some friends on their way back to Paris.
It's a bad joke! Poor Bobby! Betty is very harsh with him.
Thanks a lot.

Modifié par pepe69 le 08-01-2007 10:04

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de coferam, postée le 06-01-2007 à 18:43:18 (S | E)

Bonjour Lucile,

Betty on the road to Melbourne.
Betty called a taxi which arrived five minutes later and drove them to the Airport. Bobby told Betty he wanted to go to Melbourne and she answered him that she didn’t mind. He dashed to the countertop to buy a ticket while Betty went to the boarding room. He came just in the fullness of time to take the flight to Melbourne, but as passengers had already embarked he told himself that he could see Betty in the plane. Thirty minutes later he had not always seen Betty and he began worrying. When he arrived to Melbourne he called Betty who told him she had given a wrong destination because she was fed up to find him always on her way. Bobby was frightfully distressed and hung up. It is then that he met friends on the way of return to Paris.

Et Merci.

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de bridg, postée le 08-01-2007 à 17:28:28 (S | E)
Betty on her way to Melbourne.
Bobby phoned for a taxi which arrived 5 minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby told Betty he wanted to go to Melbourne with her, and she answered him she was ok. He rushed to the counter to buy a ticket while Betty was going to the boarding room. He arrived just in time to take the flight but as the passengers had boarded he thought he would see Betty on the plane. 30 minutes later he didn't see her yet and began to get worried. When he landed in Melbourne he called Betty who told him she gave him a wrong destination because she was fed up to find him stuck on her way. Bobby was bowled over and hung up. It was then that he met some friends on their way back to Paris.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-01-2007 17:30
Look at that beautiful ..bobby-roo

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de masselotte, postée le 09-01-2007 à 19:55:23 (S | E)
Bonsoir lucile83

Betty on the road to Melbourne

Bobby called a taxi that arrived 5 minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby told to Betty he wanted to go to Melbourne she answered him that she didn’t see any objection. He rushed to the counter to buy a ticket while Betty went to the boarding room. He arrived nick off time to take the flight to Melbourne as passengers have gone aboard he thought he will see Betty in the plane . Thirty minutes later he hasn’t still seen Betty and he was uneasy. Arriving to Melbourne , he called Betty who said him she gave a false destination because she had enough to see him always on her way. Bobby was pierced by it and he rang off. Then he met some friends on the way back to Paris.

-------------------merci lucile83
Modifié par masselotte le 10-01-2007 13:08

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de mp27, postée le 10-01-2007 à 01:26:52 (S | E)
Hello lucile83! pour ce nouvel épisode.
Betty called for a taxi which arrived five minutes later and took them to the airport. Bobby told Betty he wanted to go to Melbourne and she said she had no objection to that. He rushed to the ticket desk to buy his ticket while Betty went to the departure lounge. He arrived just in time to get the flight to Melbourne but, as the passengers had already boarded, he thought to himself he would see Betty on the plane. Thirty minutes later, he still hadn't seen Betty and he started to get worried. When he arrived in Melbourne, he phoned Betty who told him she'd given him a false destination because she'd had enough to always find him * following her around. Bobby was terribly shaken and he hung up. It was then that he met some friends on their way back to Paris.
*...“to always find him in her way”, est plus près du texte, mais “to always following her around” a un sens plus réaliste et dans l'esprit de ton histoire en ce qui concerne Bobby (enfin, je pense...)

After all, Betty probably knows what she wants ... but..., does she really? Anyway, where are we now?
As far as I understand, Bobby has landed in Melbourne, but where is Betty?..... What are her plans, apart from getting rid of her admirer/follower?

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de milou, postée le 10-01-2007 à 12:33:46 (S | E)
Voilà :
Betty on the way for Melbourne
Bobby called a taxi which arrived 5 minutes later and led them to the airport. Bobby called to Betty that he wanted to go to Melbourne and it answered him that it did not see there a disadvantage. He precipitated with the counter to buy a ticket while Betty went in the departure lounge. It arrived just in time to take the flight for Melbourne but like the passengers had embarked it thinks that he would see Betty on the aircraft. Thirty minutes later it had still not seen Betty and it started to worry. When it arrived at Melbourne it called Betty who says to him that it had given him a false destination because it had enough of it to always find it on its way. Bobby was terribly upset and hung up again. At this point in time it met friends on the way of the return in Paris.

Merci !

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de lucile83, postée le 10-01-2007 à 15:38:06 (S | E)
Voici ma proposition :

Betty on her way to Melbourne

Bobby called a taxi which arrived 5 minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby told Betty he wanted to go to Melbourne and she replied she didn’t mind about that. He rushed to the counter to buy a ticket while Betty was going to the departure lounge. He got just in time to take the Melbourne flight but as the passengers had boarded he thought he would see Betty in the plane. Thirty minutes later he had not seen Betty yet and began to worry. When he arrived in Melbourne he phoned Betty who told him she had given him a wrong destination because she was fed up with always finding him on her way. Bobby was terribly upset and hung up. At that very moment he met some friends on their way back to Paris.

See you .....somewhere in the world

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de mamouzel14, postée le 10-01-2007 à 15:39:58 (S | E)
Betty on her way to Melbourne.

Bobby called a taxi which arrived five minutes later and drove them at the airport. Bobby told Betty that he wanted to go to Melbourne, she replied that she saw no objection to that. He rushed to the counter desk to buy a ticket, while Betty was heading to the departure lounge. He arrived just in time to take the flight to Melbourne. As the flyers had already embarked. He told to himself that he would see her in the plane. Thirty minutes later he hadn't seen her yet, he began worrying. When he landed at Melbourne. He phoned to Betty who replied that she had given him a wrong destination, because she had enough to find him always on her way. Bobby was terribly upset and rang off. Then he met some friends on his way back to Paris.

Here is my try. Best wishes to you in this happy new year
I think Bobby had to bear his misfortune patiently and one day she will understand.

Réponse: Betty à Melbourne/Traduction de fenics, postée le 10-01-2007 à 23:00:55 (S | E)
Hello lucile,

I'm so sorry for the delay. Here is my translation.

Betty on her way to Melbourne.

Bobby called a taxi which arrived five minutes later and drove them to the airport. Bobby told Betty that he wanted to go to Melbourne and she replied him she was agree. He rushed towards th counter to buy a ticket while Betty was going to the boarding hall. He just arrived in time to take the flight to Melbourne but as the passengers had taken on board he thought he would see Betty in the plane. Thirty minutes later he hadn't seen Betty yet and he started worrying. When he came to Melbourne he called Betty who told him she had given him a wrong destination because she was fed up with finding him always on her way. Bobby was terribly uspet and hung up. So he met friends on the way back at Paris.

See you.



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