Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
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who ; whom ????
Message de clembut posté le 14-01-2007 à 11:43:07 (S | E | F | I)
Hello !!!
Again with relative pronoun !!!
But I don't' understand the difference between who and whom....
Could you explain me please ??
Thanks a lot.
Message de clembut posté le 14-01-2007 à 11:43:07 (S | E | F | I)
Hello !!!
Again with relative pronoun !!!
But I don't' understand the difference between who and whom....
Could you explain me please ??
Thanks a lot.
Réponse: who ; whom ???? de frapedur, postée le 14-01-2007 à 11:47:34 (S | E)
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Modifié par bridg le 14-01-2007 11:51
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Modifié par frapedur le 14-01-2007 17:33

Réponse: who ; whom ???? de khoi, postée le 14-01-2007 à 14:43:35 (S | E)
"whom" is only used in formal contexts as the object form of "who". Most of the time, you use "who" rather than "whom".
For example, you say "He works for him", so you may say "The one for whom he works" though "The one who he works for" is more commonly used.
Réponse: who ; whom ???? de clembut, postée le 14-01-2007 à 15:06:41 (S | E)

moi je travaille

see you soon !