Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.
Y a t-il des fautes ??
Message de chichou44 posté le 21-01-2007 à 12:49:07 (S | E | F | I)
'aimerais simplement savoir si mon texte contient des fautes, si oui lesquelles ?!
Merci d'avance !

In early 70s Belfast, Gerry Conlon is a petty criminal. Gerry is idle and jobless. At the begining, Gerry live in Belfast at his parents' home. A day, there is a riot in Belfast. The police hunt down him. They believe that Gerry is a sniper. Then, he goes to London and lives in a Hippie Commune with a friend, Paul. But, he has a strained relationship with one of them, and he and Paul is thrown out of. This day, they commit a robbery at prostitute's home. At the same moment, terrorist blow up a buildingn in Guilford. He goes back in Belfast and the police arrest him.The police accuse Gerry of being involved in the terrorist attack. Gerry must confess because the policemen blackmail him into signing. They rough him up until he signing the statement in spite of he isn't guilty. He is judge with Paul, two others and his father Guiseppe. So, Guiseppe and Gerry remain in a jail, in the same bedroom. After some years, a lauryer, Garreth Pierce find an alibifor them, she finds a statement of Charlie Buke who is the the true criminal. But after the second trial, Gerry watch his father die prison for something he didn't do. Gerry end the others was released after the trial.
Modifié par lucile83 le 21-01-2007 17:33
Message de chichou44 posté le 21-01-2007 à 12:49:07 (S | E | F | I)

Merci d'avance !

In early 70s Belfast, Gerry Conlon is a petty criminal. Gerry is idle and jobless. At the begining, Gerry live in Belfast at his parents' home. A day, there is a riot in Belfast. The police hunt down him. They believe that Gerry is a sniper. Then, he goes to London and lives in a Hippie Commune with a friend, Paul. But, he has a strained relationship with one of them, and he and Paul is thrown out of. This day, they commit a robbery at prostitute's home. At the same moment, terrorist blow up a buildingn in Guilford. He goes back in Belfast and the police arrest him.The police accuse Gerry of being involved in the terrorist attack. Gerry must confess because the policemen blackmail him into signing. They rough him up until he signing the statement in spite of he isn't guilty. He is judge with Paul, two others and his father Guiseppe. So, Guiseppe and Gerry remain in a jail, in the same bedroom. After some years, a lauryer, Garreth Pierce find an alibifor them, she finds a statement of Charlie Buke who is the the true criminal. But after the second trial, Gerry watch his father die prison for something he didn't do. Gerry end the others was released after the trial.
Modifié par lucile83 le 21-01-2007 17:33
Réponse: Y'a t-il des fautes ?? de jean31, postée le 21-01-2007 à 14:16:29 (S | E)
Tu as du pain sur la planche !
Avant ou après chaque faute, à toi de voir, j'ai placé cette balise.


* Au travail !
Juste une précision : que t'a-t-on appris sur la terminaison du présent simple des verbes dont le sujet est une 3e personne singulier ?