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Vocabulary quiz 'R words 4'.
Message de marit64 posté le 24-01-2007 à 22:27:04 (S | E | F | I)
Find the answers beginning with the letter "R".

1-If you use your right hand more easily than your left for writing etc, you're ............. .
2-What do you call a part of a payment, tax etc which is given back to the person paying it? ............
3-It's a disease that causes madness (and usually death) in dogs and other animals (including humans). ............
4-An adjective meaning unwilling. ...........
5-What "R verb" means to move a boat through the water using oars? ............
6-This noun means a number of logs, planks etc fastened together and used as a boat. ............
7-What do you call a long narrow strip of material used in decorating clothes, tying hair etc? .............
8-It's the reddish-brown substance which forms on iron and steel, caused by air and moisture. .............
9-An "R word" meaning a person who controls boxing, football etc matches, makes sure that the ruses are not broken. .............
10-What do you call a written report on a book, play etc giving the writer's opinion of it? ............
Good luck and have fun!
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.
So long,

Message de marit64 posté le 24-01-2007 à 22:27:04 (S | E | F | I)

Find the answers beginning with the letter "R".

1-If you use your right hand more easily than your left for writing etc, you're ............. .
2-What do you call a part of a payment, tax etc which is given back to the person paying it? ............
3-It's a disease that causes madness (and usually death) in dogs and other animals (including humans). ............
4-An adjective meaning unwilling. ...........
5-What "R verb" means to move a boat through the water using oars? ............
6-This noun means a number of logs, planks etc fastened together and used as a boat. ............
7-What do you call a long narrow strip of material used in decorating clothes, tying hair etc? .............
8-It's the reddish-brown substance which forms on iron and steel, caused by air and moisture. .............
9-An "R word" meaning a person who controls boxing, football etc matches, makes sure that the ruses are not broken. .............
10-What do you call a written report on a book, play etc giving the writer's opinion of it? ............
Good luck and have fun!
I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.
So long,

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R words 4'. de magstmarc, postée le 24-01-2007 à 22:49:59 (S | E)
Hi Marit,

1- righthanded.
2- refund
3- rabies
4- rebel or reticent ?
5- row
6- raft
7- ?
8- rust
9- referee
10- review
Thank you very much

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R words 4'. de good_doggy, postée le 24-01-2007 à 23:35:48 (S | E)
Hello everybody,
1 Right-handed
2 Refund, repayment
3 Rabies
4 Reluctant
5 Row
6 Raft
7 Ribbon
8 Rust
9 Referee
10 Review, résumé
Thanks a lot Marit.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R words 4'. de iry43, postée le 25-01-2007 à 00:21:57 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

1. Right-handed
2. Refund
3. Rabies
4. Reluctant
5. Row
6. Raft
7. Ribbon
8. Rust
9. Referee
10. Review
Thanks a lot.
Have a good week
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R words 4'. de nanette33, postée le 25-01-2007 à 20:01:23 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
1-If you use your right hand more easily than your left for writing etc, you're right-handed .
2-What do you call a part of a payment, tax etc which is given back to the person paying it? refund
3-It's a disease that causes madness (and usually death) in dogs and other animals (including humans). rabies
4-An adjective meaning unwilling. reluctant
5-What "R verb" means to move a boat through the water using oars? row
6-This noun means a number of logs, planks etc fastened together and used as a boat. raft
7-What do you call a long narrow strip of material used in decorating clothes, tying hair etc? ribbon
8-It's the reddish-brown substance which forms on iron and steel, caused by air and moisture. rust
9-An "R word" meaning a person who controls boxing, football etc matches, makes sure that the ruses are not broken. referee (rules?)
10-What do you call a written report on a book, play etc giving the writer's opinion of it? résumé

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'R words 4'. de marit64, postée le 31-01-2007 à 22:16:59 (S | E)
Hi everybody!

Here are the answers:
1-right-handed (droitier) 2-rebate, refund (remise) 3-rabies (rage)
4-reluctant (peu disposé à ...) 5-row (ramer) 6-raft (radeau)
7-ribbon (ruban) 8-rust (rouille) 9- referee (arbitre)
10-review (compte-rendu).
Thank you very much for your participation.
So long,