Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.
Oral d'anglais demain
Message de nicolas376 posté le 08-02-2007 à 18:49:48 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour à tous et à toutes; demain, j'ai un oral(e) d'anglais qui doit durer environ 3 minutes. Je suis censé incarner un personnage et raconter un petit peu qui il est, ses goûts etc. Pourriez-vous corriger mon texte s'il vous plaît?
Hi there,
I am Darren Wallis and I try to talk about me. I'm nearly sisxteen years old, spotty, a little bundle of laughs but, I am good-tempered and pleasant when am not serious and narrow minded.
I highly intelligent, without wanting to praise me, when I work and I am ambitious too, for instance, in the future, I would like to study politics, law or commerce.
I have one mother, one father, two brothers and I haven't got any sisters.
My mother's name is Molly and My father's name is James. My big brother is called Basile and my little brother is called Jim.
Spoken good, enough about me.
In the life, I appreciate my friends, particularly Anna Walters even if we don't have the same tastes.
For instance, I'm found of wathing TV whereas she doesn't like. It is the same thing for shopping and playing computer games. It is true that I am crazy about shopping, it is so funny. The last time that I made some, I lost myself in the store and I met the girl who became my girl friend thereafter, but that, it is another history...
If not, I hate to go to the cinema because I am claustrophobic,playing sport because it's annoying and drawing because I don't like abstract art.
On the other hand, listening to music leaves me rather indifferent.
Okay, it's all for me.
Voilà, bye
Modifié par bridg le 08-02-2007 18:51
Message de nicolas376 posté le 08-02-2007 à 18:49:48 (S | E | F | I)
Bonjour à tous et à toutes; demain, j'ai un oral(
Hi there,
I am Darren Wallis and I try to talk about me. I'm nearly sisxteen years old, spotty, a little bundle of laughs but, I am good-tempered and pleasant when am not serious and narrow minded.
I highly intelligent, without wanting to praise me, when I work and I am ambitious too, for instance, in the future, I would like to study politics, law or commerce.
I have one mother, one father, two brothers and I haven't got any sisters.
My mother's name is Molly and My father's name is James. My big brother is called Basile and my little brother is called Jim.
Spoken good, enough about me.
In the life, I appreciate my friends, particularly Anna Walters even if we don't have the same tastes.
For instance, I'm found of wathing TV whereas she doesn't like. It is the same thing for shopping and playing computer games. It is true that I am crazy about shopping, it is so funny. The last time that I made some, I lost myself in the store and I met the girl who became my girl friend thereafter, but that, it is another history...
If not, I hate to go to the cinema because I am claustrophobic,playing sport because it's annoying and drawing because I don't like abstract art.
On the other hand, listening to music leaves me rather indifferent.
Okay, it's all for me.
Voilà, bye

Modifié par bridg le 08-02-2007 18:51
Réponse: Oral d'anglais demain de droopy171, postée le 08-02-2007 à 21:07:12 (S | E)
c'est dans le cadre de quoi ???
Réponse: Oral d'anglais demain de nicolas376, postée le 09-02-2007 à 07:39:32 (S | E)
C'est dans le cadre d'un oral car mon professeur trouve que nous ne parlons pas suffisamment à l'oral.
Modifié par lucile83 le 09-02-2007 08:05