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Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.


Discours indirect (correction)
Message de fashion_azn posté le 12-02-2007 à 16:38:19 (S | E | F | I)

Bonjour, pouvez -vous vérifier l'orthographe et la syntaxe de mon discours indirect svp s'il vous plaît, c'est pour demain. merci

I was going to Paris for my opinion poll, and I asked to a young woman some question about their likes or dislikes concerning literature, films and painting.

I greeted the woman and I asked her named, her age and her nationality. She greeted me too and she answered that she called Lateesha, she was Jamaican and she was 21 years old.
So, after that, I asked her what her favourite type of film was and who was her favourite actress or actor then she replied that she liked drama movies and biographical films; she liked Will Smith and Halle Berry.
I asked her how many films did she saw per month, she retorted that she had seen one film at the cinema and 10 films on television per month.
I also asked her what the latest film that she had seen was, she answered that it was “Apocalypto” by Mel Gibson.
And I enquired her if she preferred going to the cinema or reading a book, and how often did she go to the cinema, then she replied both but she preferred going to the cinema, she also replied that she was going one tile per month.

After I announced her that I asked her some questions about literature. So, I asked her what her favourite library genre was and who was her favourite author then she answered that she liked historical novels and Lian Hearn was her favourite author. I also asked her what her favourite book was how many book did she read per month and she retorted that her favourite book was “Tales of the Otori” and she had read 6 books per month. I was amazed for her strength.
I asked her if she borrowed some book and how many books did she bought per month and she answered that sometimes she borrowed and she bought one book per month. The latest book that she had read was “Fear and Trembling” by Amélie Nothomb. And I asked her how often she was going to the bookshop; she said that she was going one time per month, that’s it. I enquired her if she liked reading a book or seeing its adaptation for the cinema in a film, she declared that she liked both, but she preferred saw a film.

Thereafter, I asked another question about the art; I asked her who her favourite painter was and she said that it was Leonardo da Vinci. I asked her how often did she go to a painting exhibition and what was the latest has she seen, she told me that she was going to a painting exhibition one time per month and the latest that she had seen is an exhibition for “Big Bang”.
I asked her if she liked going to the cinema, she informed me that she seldom going to the theatre.
Modifié par lucile83 le 12-02-2007 16:41
+ titre

Réponse: orthographe /syntaxe(discours indirect) de lucile83, postée le 12-02-2007 à 16:48:18 (S | E)
Le triangle indique les fautes

I was going to Paris for my opinion poll, and I asked to a young woman some question about their likes or dislikes concerning literature, films and painting.
I greeted the woman and I asked her named, her age and her nationality. She greeted me too and she answered that she..... called Lateesha, she was Jamaican and she was 21 years old.
So, after that, I asked her what her favourite type of film was and who du verbe.. her favourite actress or actor then she replied that she liked drama movies and biographical films; she liked Will Smith and Halle Berry.

Je laisse la suite à d'autres membres

Réponse: Discours indirect (correction) de mp27, postée le 12-02-2007 à 17:54:09 (S | E)

Ton texte est très long. Je ne vais reprendre que le vocabulaire & les fautes d'orthographe de la première section (qui se termine par “per month”)
A ce stade, je n'ai pas corrigé ta ponctuation.

-- some question--> plus d'une question, donc, pluriel
-- on dit: to ask something “to somebody”, donc, change la place de “to a young woman”.
-- (a young woman)... about "their" likes & dislikes. Attention! il s'agit de la jeune dame, donc, mets l'adjectif possessif approprié.
-- I asked her named --> pourquoi ce 'd”?
-- she called Lateesha --> to be called = s'appeler, donc, tu as oublié le verbe to be . (à conjuguer au preterit) et ensuite, “called”......
-- she replied that she liked --> pas de faute, mais dans ce cas, tu peux omettre “that”

-- drama movies and biographical films --> pourquoi n'emploies-tu pas seulement le mot films ou le mot movies...(movies est US et je ne vois pas pourquoi tu l'utilises suivi - sur la même ligne - du mot “films”).
Suggestion: groupe drama and biographical et n'utilise qu'un seul nom: soit movies, soit films.

-- I asked her how many films did she saw--> le did, comme tu l'as employé, est totalement superflu. (style indirect, attention)

-- she retorted that she replied that she liked drama movie---> Oh oh oh!... 2 that... et tu fais des rallonges!
- Mots et groupe de mots superflus à enlever ---> “she retorted that” --- et ---> “that” (entre replied et liked)
- she replied / she said she....
- drama movie -->movie ici, devrait être au pluriel. Cela dit, tu dois choisir et employer soit “movie” soit “film”.

-- what the latest film that she had seen was--> encore une fois, ce “that”, au milieu, est superflu. Tu pourrais alléger en reconstruisant autrement, mais je ne m'arrête que sur le vocabulaire et l'orthographe.

-- she answered that it was ...> pense aussi à utiliser “to say”, au preterit (verbe irrégulier) et tu peux enlever ton “that” .

-- I enquired her if she....--> I asked her what she preferred: --going... or reading.....--
-- and how often did she go to the cinema --> Tu n'as pas réalisé que, “did she go”, en style indirect, se transforme en --> “she went”.

-- she replied both --> replied / said -- tu as oublié de mettre “she liked”, devant “both”

-- she also replied that she was going one tile per month. --> replied--> tu pourrais utiliser le verbe 'to say”, preterit.
- that--> superflu
- one “tile” --> erreur de frappe --> tu voulais dire: one “time”, mais attention, il y a un mot (un seul) pour “one time”, tout comme on dit “twice” pour 2 times.... Trouve toi-même le mot pour dire: “one time” (4 lettres)

Fin de la première section (.... per month)

Suggestion---> Corrige attentivement cette première section. Relis la suite, et vois s'il y a des fautes que tu peux maintenant corriger par toi-même, avant de re-soumettre le reste.
Je te conseille de revoir la ponctuation.



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