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Tout ce qui n'a pas un rapport direct avec les difficultés liées à la langue anglaise: par exemple, les thèmes généraux sur l'apprentissage de la langue, les jeux, les demandes de traductions de chansons etc.
Vocabulary quiz 'U words 4'.
Message de marit64 posté le 15-02-2007 à 01:18:26 (S | E | F | I)
Find the words beginning with the letter 'U'.

1-An adjective meaning that something can't be explained. ...........
2-If your house is in a mess, it's ........... .
3-You do it when you open your newspaper. ...........
4-A verb meaning to undo a buckle. ...........
5-What do you call the landing-gear of an aircraft? ............
6-A synonym of "unfortunate". ............
7-What's the opposite of "equal"? ...........
8-When you take your clothes off, you ............ .
9-An adjective meaning "cruel". ............
10-If you're in poor health, you're ........... .
I'm very sad because
I have to go on a trip and I'll be absent for three weeks.
You'll receive the answers on March 14.
I'll miss you.
Have a good time and I hope to see you again.
Good luck and have fun with this exercise.
So long

Message de marit64 posté le 15-02-2007 à 01:18:26 (S | E | F | I)

Find the words beginning with the letter 'U'.

1-An adjective meaning that something can't be explained. ...........
2-If your house is in a mess, it's ........... .
3-You do it when you open your newspaper. ...........
4-A verb meaning to undo a buckle. ...........
5-What do you call the landing-gear of an aircraft? ............
6-A synonym of "unfortunate". ............
7-What's the opposite of "equal"? ...........
8-When you take your clothes off, you ............ .
9-An adjective meaning "cruel". ............
10-If you're in poor health, you're ........... .
I'm very sad because

You'll receive the answers on March 14.
I'll miss you.
Have a good time and I hope to see you again.
Good luck and have fun with this exercise.
So long

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'U words 4'. de hotmustard, postée le 15-02-2007 à 01:34:30 (S | E)
Hello marit,
1-An adjective meaning that something can'tbe explained.unexplainable...
2-If your house is in a mess, it's .untidy .
3-You do it when you open your newspaper. .unfold.
4-A verb meaning to undo a buckle. to unbuckle
5-What do you call the landing-gear of an aircraft? ..undercarriage
6-A synonym of "unfortunate". .unhappy...
7-What's the opposite of "equal"? ..unequal.........
8-When you take your clothes off, you .undress........... .
9-An adjective meaning "cruel". ..unfeeling..........
10-If you're in poor health, you're ..unhealthy......... .
Thank you marit, have a nice holiday!

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'U words 4'. de mamouzel14, postée le 15-02-2007 à 11:22:00 (S | E)
1-An adjective meaning that something can't be explained. ==== unexplainable
2-If your house is in a mess, it's Untidness.
3-You do it when you open your newspaper. ==== unfold
4-A verb meaning to undo a buckle. ===== Unbuckle
5-What do you call the landing-gear of an aircraft? ===== Undercarriage
6-A synonym of "unfortunate".===== Unlucky
7-What's the opposite of "equal"? ===== Unequal
8-When you take your clothes off, you ====== Undress
9-An adjective meaning "cruel". ===== Unpleasant
10-If you're in poor health, you're ======= unhealthy.

Modifié par mamouzel14 le 15-02-2007 11:22
Modifié par mamouzel14 le 15-02-2007 11:25

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'U words 4'. de iry43, postée le 15-02-2007 à 19:35:24 (S | E)
Hello marit 64,

1. Unexplained
2. Untidy
3. Unfold
4. Undo
5. Undercarriage
6. Unlucky, Untoward
7. Uneven
8. Undress
9. Unsympathetic.
Have a good time
See you

Modifié par iry43 le 15-02-2007 19:35
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'U words 4'. de cramignon, postée le 15-02-2007 à 20:03:35 (S | E)
1-An adjective meaning that something can't be explained. understandable
2-If your house is in a mess, it's untidied
3-You do it when you open your newspaper. Unfold
4-A verb meaning to undo a buckle. undue or untie
5-What do you call the landing-gear of an aircraft? undergear
6-A synonym of "unfortunate". unlucky
7-What's the opposite of "equal"? unequitable
8-When you take your clothes off, you undress
9-An adjective meaning "cruel".
10-If you're in poor health, you're unwell.
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'U words 4'. de sanake, postée le 15-02-2007 à 20:45:16 (S | E)

1-An adjective meaning that something can't be explained ===> unexplainable
2-If your house is in a mess, it's ===> untidy
3-You do it when you open your newspaper ===> unfold
4-A verb meaning to undo a buckle ===> unbuckle
5-What do you call the landing-gear of an aircraft? ===> undercarriage
6-A synonym of "unfortunate".===> unlucky
7-What's the opposite of "equal"? ===> unequal
8-When you take your clothes off, you ===> undress
9-An adjective meaning "cruel" ===> unkind
10-If you're in poor health, you're ===> unhealthy
Modifié par sanake le 15-02-2007 21:04
Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'U words 4'. de nanette33, postée le 16-02-2007 à 08:48:55 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit,
1-An adjective meaning that something can't be explained. unexplained
2-If your house is in a mess, it's untidy .
3-You do it when you open your newspaper. unfold
4-A verb meaning to undo a buckle. unhook
5-What do you call the landing-gear of an aircraft? undercarriage
6-A synonym of "unfortunate". unlucky
7-What's the opposite of "equal"? unbalanced
8-When you take your clothes off, you undress(yourself) .
9-An adjective meaning "cruel". unfeeling
10-If you're in poor health, you're unhealthy .

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'U words 4'. de good_doggy, postée le 18-02-2007 à 08:06:28 (S | E)
Hello everybody,
1 Unaccountable
2 Untidy
3 Unfold
4 Unbuckle, unfasten
5 Undercarriage
6 Unlucky
7 Unequal, uneven
8 Undress, unclothe
9 Unpitying
10 Unhealthy
Thanks a lot Marit.
Have a very good holiday.

Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'U words 4'. de marit64, postée le 14-03-2007 à 20:56:16 (S | E)

I had plenty of time to think of you.
I didn't have enough time to send you a personal message but here are the answers.
1-unaccountable, unexplainable, inexplicable (inexplicable) 2-untidy, untidiness (négligé, en désordre) 3-unfold (déplier) 4-unbuckle (déboucler)
5-undercarriage (train d'atterrissage) 6-unlucky (malchanceux) 7-unequal, uneven, unbalanced (inégal) 8-undress (déshabiller) 9-unkind, unfeeling, unpleasant, unsympathetic (méchant) 10-unhealthy, unwell (en mauvaise santé).

Thank you very much for your nice comments.
So long,