Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais
Tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'apprentissage de l'anglais: grammaire, orthographe, aides aux devoirs, phrases etc.
vérifier : paragraph of 80 words
Message de devadai posté le 22-02-2007 à 19:39:41 (S | E | F | I)
Pouvez-vous le vérifier (il faut qu'il y a 80 mots ) S'il vous plaît. Merci
Write a paragraph of 80 words in English to answer the following questions.
-Why do you think people write blogs?
-why do other people read them?
-What about you?
-Are you a blogger too? Why or why not?
Voici ce que j'ai fait :
-I think people write blogs to give their different opinion. They want to share their experience with others or know about their lives.
-Other people read them because they are eager to know about that or the person who has written this.
-I’m sometimes curious to know about somebody’s life so I read them.
-No, I’m not a blogger because I don't like to publish my life on the net. I don't want to share my experience with unknown people.
Modifié par bridg le 22-02-2007 19:50
Message de devadai posté le 22-02-2007 à 19:39:41 (S | E | F | I)
Pouvez-vous le vérifier (il faut qu'il y a 80 mots ) S'il vous plaît. Merci
Write a paragraph of 80 words in English to answer the following questions.
-Why do you think people write blogs?
-why do other people read them?
-What about you?
-Are you a blogger too? Why or why not?
Voici ce que j'ai fait :
-I think people write blogs to give their different opinion. They want to share their experience with others or know about their lives.
-Other people read them because they are eager to know about that or the person who has written this.
-I’m sometimes curious to know about somebody’s life so I read them.
-No, I’m not a blogger because I don't like to publish my life on the net. I don't want to share my experience with unknown people.
Modifié par bridg le 22-02-2007 19:50
Réponse: vérifier : paragraph of 80 words de jean31, postée le 22-02-2007 à 19:46:38 (S | E)
"Pouvez-vous le vérifier (il faut qu'il y aIT 80 mots ) S'il vous plaît. Merci
Voici ce que j'ai faiT"
C'est correct puisque je l'ai déjà corrigé ailleurs.

Merci pour la confiance que tu m'accordes !

Réponse: vérifier : paragraph of 80 words de devadai, postée le 22-02-2007 à 19:48:34 (S | E)
jean j'ai supprimé des phrases et j'ai ajouté des phrases
Modifié par devadai le 22-02-2007 19:49